Fiery Energy

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3rd POV

Y/N ducks as Todoroki swings with an ice attack. Y/N then sweeps Todoroki's legs knocking him to the ground. Not giving up Todoroki freezes the ground sending a mountain of ice at Y/N. He holds out his hands taking in the attack. 

Now stocked he rushes at Todoroki. He goes to defend himself but Y/N psychs him out with a kick to the ribs. Todoroki recovers grabbing Y/N's leg. With a smile he uses his left hand to freeze the leg. 

The ice makes it up to his thigh before being absorbed. Free Y/N punches Todoroki away sending him skidding across the arena towards the edge. Todoroki slides to a stop just barely going past the line. 

Frustrated he places his hand on the ground sending a wave of ice at Y/N. He stops as the wave towers over him. Not wanting to throw in the towel he embraces the attack. He's swept up becoming completely engulfed by the ice. It keeps going covering the right half of the arena in ice.

Present Mic: "Impressive moves from the son of the number two hero. It seems Y/N is subdued. Meaning Todoroki-"

The ice begins emitting steam before rapidly shrinking. After a couple seconds the ice shatters sending shards everywhere. The audience groans as the shards nearly hit them. Back at the epicenter is Y/N with steam coming off his body.

Present Mic: "Incredible! Y/N L/N is still standing!!!"

Y/N: "It's gonna take more than a tsunami of ice to take me down."

Todoroki: "Good. I was fearing I ended the fight too soon."

Y/N: "All you've been using is your left side. What'd you say you change things up by using your right side?"

Todoroki: "I made a vow to never use it."

Y/N: "If you ever wanna go pro then you need to use your whole self. Not just half."

Todoroki thinks on his words. He then smiles reeling back his right hand. A bright flame then engulfs right side as he finally uses his fire side. Y/N matches his smile as he readies himself.

Present: "Todoroki is finally using his fire. Looks like we're in for a show now."

Todoroki and Y/N stare each other down before rushing in as blurs. Their collision results in a bright flash of light. Todoroki delivers a flaming left hook which Y/N catches. He then delivers an iced right hook which freezes his chest.

Stunned Todoroki slams his ice covered foot into Y/N's stomach. Not letting up Todoroki unleashes a flurry of ice and fire punches that rapidly freeze and unfreeze Y/N. Todoroki uses both of his fists to punch Y/N away to the edge of the arena.

Present Mic: "It looks like Y/N's about to be knocked out of the ring."

Todoroki: "I enjoyed our fight, but this is where we end it."

He holds out his hand which emits a blue flame. 

Todoroki: "So long."

Y/N: "I'm not done yet."

Y/N clenches his fists as he activates his quirk. It may have looked like he was losing, but he wasn't. He was just letting Todoroki bombard him with energy. Y/N's quirk gets kicked into overdrive as he manifests all of the fresh energy. His right hand glows white with fusion as same colored lightning coats his fist. 

Present Mic: "This can't be good. Someone stop them."

Y/N: "Time to end this."

Todoroki and Y/N run towards each other. Meanwhile teachers scramble to stop the impending destruction. The two fighters deliver their attacks. The impact gives off a powerful explosion that quickly expands outwards. In the nick of time one teacher manages to deploy a safety barrier sparing the spectators.

The explosion continues to rampage the arena tearing off sections. People on the outside grab ahold of something as everything around them shakes. When the chaos settles Y/N and Todoroki are seen laying on opposite ends of the arena. Both of their uniforms are torn fully exposing their right arm and pec. 

Present Mic: "Unbelievable, we have a double knock out!!! Both powerhouses have fallen!!"

The crowd quickly abandon their fear and lose themselves in cheers. Once Y/N and Todoroki have been escorted to the medical bay they finally open their eyes.

Todoroki: "Is it over?"

Y/N: "Yep."

Todoroki: "You fought well."

Y/N: "You too. Not many people have gotten me to pass out."

Todoroki: "How'd that even happen? I though your quirk has no limit."

Y/N: "In terms of intaking energy. But release a lot at once then there's a problem."

Todoroki: "I see."

Y/N: "I trust you not to say this to anyone."

Todoroki: "I swear on my life to not tell anyone."

He once again gives a genuine smile.

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