Class Rep

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Mina and I enter the building as the buzzer goes off. Upon entering we come face to face with a rather tall student.

Rikido: "Sorry but you won't be getting the bomb."

Y/N: "Go and get the bomb, this guy's mine."

Mina: "No way, we're supposed to be a team!"

Y/N: "And sometimes teams split up. Now get going pinky."

Mina: "For the last time it's Mina Ashido!!!"

I roll my eyes as she runs to get the bomb.

Rikido: "You won't be getting past me."

Y/N: "I do love a challenge."

He dumps loads of sugar into his mouth. He then rushes at me. I welcome his attacks letting him wear himself out. After about a minute he ceases his barrage panting in exhaustion.

Y/N: "My turn."

My hand vibrates as the freshly given energy emerges. Then with a single punch my opponent is sent flying through several walls. He keeps going until he knocks down a wall exposing Mina and the bomb. The kid knocks into his partner taking them both out.

All Might: *on speaker* "Mina and Y/N have defeated the villains. They are the winners."

Mina: "We won! We actually won! Great job!"

Y/N: "Leave it to me to do all the work."

Mina: "I helped!"

Y/N: "But I was the one to take out both of the enemies. So all and all I did everything."

Mina: "You're so mean."

She crosses her arms pouting. I roll my eyes as I head to the other students. 

Bakugo: "Nice fight, but I can do better."

Y/N: "Oh shut up. You're lucky your opponent ain't me."

Bakugo: "Now that's a shame."

All Might: "Alright, next teams."

Bakugo: "Let's get this party started."

Y/N: "Don't lose."

Bakugo: "I'll die before I let that happen."

Y/N: "Here's hoping."

Bakugo: "Screw you."

All Might: "Let's move it, we're burning daylight."

Bakugo leaves to go fight. When the buzzer sounds he immediately confronts that Deku kid. After a brief game of cat and mouse they engage in combat. Bakugo spams his explosions when he pulls a grena pin releasing a big one.

It hits Deku leaving him with a shredded costume. Deku then runs at Bakugo with his arm glowing. He delivers his attack but aims it at the ceiling. It tears a hole upwards rocking the entire building. The buzzer goes off as All Might speaks.

All Might: "The heroes have recovered the bomb. They are the winners."

I laugh as hard as I can.

Y/N: "Bakugo lost, I bet he's pissed."

Bakugo: *on screen* "I heard that!!!!"

I laugh harder to the point my stomach starts cramping.

*next day*

Aizawa: "Now that you're all here we can move to our first task. Picking class representative."

Mina: "How're we gonna decide that?"

Iida: "The most logical way. An election."

We each cast a vote. When we're finished we tally the votes.

Aizawa: "The votes are in. The class rep is Midoriya with the deputy being Yaoyorozu."

I look at Deku to see a dark cloud over his head.

Y/N: "Is he ever not depressed?"

Come lunch time I sleep on a bench when an alarm begins ringing. I groan covering my ears. When I hear silence I smile going back to sleep. Once lunch ends Deku and that Yaoyo chick stand in front of the class.

Yaoyorozu: "Let's get started. I-"

Deku: "Hold on. I can't be your class rep. I believe Iida is a better pick. He kept a level head during the security breach. Therefore he should be class rep."

Aizawa: "I don't care who the class rep is, just hurry this up."

Iida: "If Midoriya volunteers me, then I'll happily accept this role."

The next day Aizawa stands before us clearing his throat.

Aizawa: "Today's lesson's gonna be different. All Might, myself and one more hero shall be in charge of you."

Kirishima: "What're we doing today?"

Aizawa: "Rescue. You'll work through disasters and the like."

Denki: "Sounds like we'll have our work cut out for us."

Aizawa: "I'm not finished. Your clothing for this exercise is up to you. The facility we'll be using is top secret so we'll be using a bus to get there. Now go get ready."

After a short bus ride we arrive at said facility. We're then greeted by some kind of astronaut.

Spaceman: "Hello everyone."

Deku: "It's hero thirteen."

Y/N: "I thought she was supposed to be bald. And younger."

Thirteen: "I think you're confusing me with someone else."

Y/N: "Whatever. Can we just get on with this?"

Thirteen: "Right, this way."

We're let inside the facility where quite the range of terrains are revealed.

Thirteen: "This facility was created to simulate all the different types of disasters you'll encounter. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short."

Aizawa: "Now that you're familiar with the place we can begin. First-"

The lights suddenly flicker. A portal then opens revealing loads of intruders.

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