Battle Royal

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Some men then walk by us carrying a box.

Marrow: "What else? I guess we'll start passing out the targets and balls. Then you'll have a few minutes to get situated after we open."

One of the buildings opens up revealing the stadium to the students.

Marrow: *through speakers* "I'm sure each of you have terrains that you like or want to avoid. Use your quirks well and do your best. Or not whatever. Yes I know, it makes a great reveal doesn't it? And for what?"

Marrow walks into the announcer booth while all the students head to various locations of the field.

Speaker: "The first test will now begin."

The buzzer sounds off as I run to deal with some of the other students.

Deku: "Y/N wait, we're supposed to work together."

Y/N: "I can handle myself."

I vault over some rubble reaching a new terrain. As I make my way through a city I encounter a woman in a black leather suit.

Y/N: "Who the hell are you?"

Camie: "My name is Camie handsome."

Y/N: "Name's Y/N to you."

Camie: "Oh, the Y/N?"

Y/N: "How is it that everyone knows me? Not that I'm complaining."

Camie: "Not many people can turn themselves into a nuke. Plus stories of your abilities spread rapidly."

Y/N: "Thanks for enlightening me. But time I tagged you out."

I toss a ball at her but she does the splits dodging it. I narrow my eyes stomping my foot. The ground rocks knocking her off balance. I then rush in slamming a ball onto one of her sensors. She grits her teeth before spinning on her back. Through that spin she tags one of my sensors. 

I bring my foot down but she throws herself back dodging me. I tap the ground sending out a sonic pulse. This launches her upwards off the ground. I toss another ball which hits another one of her sensors. She grits her teeth when she kicks my chin sending my through a building.

Y/N: "Damn, she got away. But no matter. She's down two sensors. Only a matter of time before she's taken out."

I pick myself up when I notice that I'm now in a ruined part of the city. Looking around I hear whispering. Following it I arrive at ruined building.

Girl: "Now!"

I look to see two people rushing at me. They launch a storm of balls at me. I hold out my hands creating a tunnel of wind. Their balls are swept up before being flung back at the attackers. All their sensors are hit.

Sensors: "Student Y/N L/N has passed."

Y/N: "Too easy."

Sensors: "Please report to the recreation room."

I head that way. Upon entering I see quite a few of my classmates have already passed. I sit down on the couch when I have my name called. Looking I see All Might of all people.

Y/N: "What're you doing here?"

All Might: "I've come baring great news."

Y/N: "Oh yeah? And what might that be?"

All Might: "You've just been granted your provisional license."

Y/N: "What? I still have the rest of the exam."

All Might: "No you don't. You've been passed."

Y/N: "Something tells me you've done something."

All Might: "I may or may not have had a word with Nezu. Who may or may not have pulled some strings to pass you."

Y/N: "You heroes are supposed to be noble."

All Might: "Sometimes to be a hero you've gotta go past the rules."

Y/N: "Bought time you had that viewpoint."

He smiles rubbing the back of his head.

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