Villain Ambush

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Denki: "Who're those guys?"

Aizawa: "Villains. You kids stay back."

Y/N: "Hell nah, this' a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

I blast off with some wind energy landing in the middle of the villain ambush.

Man: "Kill him."

This behemoth of a creature roars running straight towards me.

Aizawa: "Kid!!!"

The creature brings its mighty fist down on me. I take the hit as the creature just keeps punching me.

Y/N: "You're incredibly weak for a big guy. Time I showed you want it means to be strong."

I easily catch its fists. It yelps in surprise when I kick its chest. It flies backwards through several villains knocking them away.

Man: "Kurogiri, get rid of him."

Kurogiri: "Got it."

Shadow man lunges at me engulfing me. I'm teleported to some unknown location. Looking down I see the USJ as a speck.

Y/N: "Ah crap."

I plummet to the ground. Gathering speed I soon catch fire reaching terminal velocity. I then begin getting closer to the USJ.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

I close my eyes as my body crashes through the USJ roof.

3rd POV

All the students look up as Y/N crashes through the roof. He then hits the ground with the impact rocking the entire building.

Aizawa: "Iida, go and get help."

Iida: "On it."

Using his quirk he rockets out of the building to get help. Meanwhile Bakugo kneels down next to Y/N.

Bakugo: "That looked like it hurt."

Y/N: "Oh shut up."

He groans getting up. He then pops his back making him let out a relieved sigh.

Y/N: "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Bakugo: "Raise hell?"

Y/N: "Great minds think alike."

Bakugo smiles reading an explosion. They both then fire themselves back towards the main villains.

Shigaraki: "It seems you're more durable than I gave you credit for."

Y/N: "Gonna need to take a lot more than that to take me down."

Shigaraki: "Nomu, make sure he stays down."

The Nomu roars running towards Y/N.

Y/N: "I got this guy. You just take care of shadow man."

Bakugo: "Don't go bossing me around."

Y/N: "Just do it idiot."

Bakugo rolls his eyes as Y/N throws a fireball at the Nomu. It takes the hit but Y/N hits it with a nuclear right hook. It's right arm is obliterated causing the Nomu to wail. But its arm soon regrows into a new one.

Y/N: "Regen huh? Then looks like I get to have some fun."

Y/N smiles as he focuses on using nuclear energy. His hands glow as fusion takes place. The two fighters stare each other down before rushing at each other. They collide with a right hook as the impact rips up the ground. 

They then deliver a left hook with the Nomu's knuckles being shattered. Hollering Y/N punches the Nomu in the jaw completely dislocating it. Y/N then kicks its knee blowing it to pieces. As it falls to the ground it roars at Y/N.

Y/N: "So long ugly."

He slams his hands together crushing the Nomu's head. Its body then crumbles to dust as the nuclear radiation takes its toll. Y/N looks at Shigaraki who manages to hide his fear.

Y/N: "Your turn."

The doors blow open as all the teachers from UA show up. Shigaraki  groans in annoyance.

Shigaraki: "Retreat!"

A portal opens up as the villains flee. Shigaraki goes to the portal but not before having a word with Y/N.

Shigaraki: "You haven't seen the last of me."

He steps through the portal as Y/N deactivates his quirk.

Y/N: "You had one job Bakugo."

Bakugo rolls his eyes as All Might walks up to Y/N.

Y/N: "You guys sure did take your sweet time getting here."

All Might: "Thank you, for handling this."

Y/N: "I better get an A for this."

*with villains*

AFO: "How'd it go?"

Shigaraki: "We saw him. His power was as you said it was."

AFO: "Good. That means he's the one."

Kurogiri: "If I may ask, why's this one kid so important?"

AFO: "Because he holds the key to my problem. His power has more potential than he knows."

Kurogiri: "What problem?"

AFO: "My problem of maintaining my rule. My eternal reign."

Shigaraki: "Shall we stick to the plan?"

AFO: "Yes. Keep close tabs on him. If this' to work we'll need to play it safe. My plan hinges on his cooperation."

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