First Match

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Once everyone arrives back at the stadium we move onto the next event which is a calvary battle. The end result is four teams remaining. We then stand before Midnight.

Midnight: "Now that you've drawn lots I'd like to announce something. Y/N L/N, since this'll be a battle of quirks you're prohibited from using yours."

Y/N: "What!? Why!?"

Midnight: "Yours has no limit meaning everyone's already at the disadvantage. So to make things fair you're not allowed to use yours."

Bakugo: *dies of laughter* 

Midnight: "Now then. Y/N and Shinso, please step into the arena."

I grumble heading into the arena. Once everyone clears out the buzzer sounds off.

Shinso: "I heard all about you. You've got quite the ego. I hate it."

Y/N: "Well I hate you."

He smiles.

Shinso: "Walk out of the arena."

I stare at him.

Y/N: "Why the hell would I do that?"

He displays shock.

Shinso: "You should have fallen under my control. How're you able to resist?"

Y/N: "We gonna talk or fight?"

He raises his fist. He then rushes in with a right hook. I block it then follow up by kicking him away.

Shinso: "Not bad. I thought not using your quirk would've been hard for you."

Y/N: "I may rely on my quirk to fight. But that doesn't mean I'm helpless without it."

I get in a fighting stance as Shinso rushes in for another attack. I limbo under it and sweep his legs. While he's on the ground I stomp on him. He however rolls out of the way and kicks in my knee. 

I go to punch him but he kicks my jaw sending me onto my back. I flip to my feet then duck as he delivers a right hook. I swing my head upwards pushing him back. As he stumbles I snap kick his chest sending him further back. 

Present Mic: "It looks like Shinso's about to be knocked outta bounds."

Shinso: "No, I won't lose!"

He punches my jaw then spins us around so I'm on the arena edge. Shinso begins punching my stomach. But his hits only fuel me up. In the blink of an eye I block his fist. I then sweep his leg while slinging him over my shoulder.

Present Mic: "And Y/N L/N is the winner!!!"

I smirk and head to the locker room. As I relax there's a knock on the door. Opening it I find Shinso.

Y/N: "What?"

Shinso: "Answer me. How were you able to resist my brain washing?"

Y/N: "A good magician never reveals his secrets."

Shinso: "Just tell me, I only wanna know."

I pauses before letting out a deep sigh.

Y/N: "I have a lot of different energy types pent up inside of me. The combined power keeps my brain firing at top speed. In essence my brain is moving too fast for your quirk to take effect."

Shinso: "I see. So it seems you're not only immune to physical attacks but mental attacks too. You truly do have potential of being the greatest hero ever."

I take in his words and actually smile. Not like my usual cocky smile but a genuine one. 

Y/N: "Thanks, that means more than you think to hear."

He returns my smile before leaving. Closing the door I go back to relaxing before my next match. After an hour or so I walk into the arena where I come face to face with icey boy.

Present Mic: "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. To kick off the second bracket of the tournament is two powerhouses of class 1A. Y/N L/N against Shota Todoroki."

The crowd goes wild.

Present Mic: "Begin!"

Todoroki and I stand there.

Todoroki: "I just wanna say I'm thrilled to fight you."

Y/N: "Same here. Not everyday you meet someone who's capable of giving you a fair fight."

Todoroki: "Agreed."

Present Mic: "You two waiting for an invitation or something? I said begin."

Todoroki launches a blast of ice at me. I hold out my hand absorbing the attack. During the absorption my hand briefly goes numb. There's no doubt, he's stronger than everyone else here. I might actually get to have fun. I finish absorbing the attack which Todoroki smiles at.

Todoroki: "Impressive. This fight will definitely be fun."

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