UA Exam

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I sigh as a drag myself to UA academy. There I yawn as some loud guy begins yelling.

Man: "What's up you rad students? Can I get a shout?"

No one makes a noise.

Man: "Keeping yourself reserved, respectable. I'll get right to the chase. Onto the point of the exam. As you can see on your application you'll all compete in two minute mock battles in a suburban setting. Once we're done here we'll make our way to the battle centers. You dig?"

Again, silence.

Man: "Let's check out the targets."

A screen turns on as various images are shown.

Man: "There're three types of villains each worth a different amount of points. To win you'll need to slay a lot of these villains. But you'll need to keep it heroic. That means no attacking other UA attendees. Understood?"

Boy: "Sir. You said there will be three types but the application clearly states there're four types."

Man: "Thank you for your input. Yes there're indeed four types of villains. But the fourth one is worth zero points. There's gonna be one in every battle center. Try to avoid them. They're not dangerous, it's just pointless to defeat them. They're not your top concern. What is, is being the one to score the highest score."

Boy: "Thank you for clearing my confusion."

Man: "That's all I got to say. Time you got to your designated battle centers."

I leave the building heading to my specific battle center. Getting there I just mind my own business when someone taps my shoulder. I turn seeing a boy with green hair.

Y/N: "What?"

Deku: "I'm Izuku Midoriya. But everyone just calls me Deku."

Y/N: "Good for you."

I turn around.

Deku: "Aren't you gonna tell me your name?"

Y/N: "Y/N."

Deku: "Good luck in the exam."

Y/N: "I don't need it. I'm gonna pass."

Deku: "Wish I had your confidence."

Man: "You better get going, time's a  wasting."

I fire blasts of pent up wind flinging myself into the heart of the fake city. Almost immediately I'm greeted by four robots each tagged with two. I smile releasing pent up thermal energy. A blast of fire ripples out burning the robots to dust. 

But as soon as they fall I come face to face with a robot tagged with a three. It fires rockets at me. They hit me going off. I groan as the blast force is absorbed into my body. As my body settles down I look at the robot with an annoyed expression.

Y/N: "My turn."

I snap my fingers sending the full force of that blast. The second it touches the robot it blows up into tiny pieces. I turn around when I notice that I'm completely surrounded by ones, twos and threes.

Y/N: "How sweet. All of you want to kill me, I'm touched."

They all rush forward. I sigh releasing a massive electrical pulse. The robots are fried falling onto the ground. When the last one falls a siren is heard.

Man: "And that's time. Please leave the battle center and wait for your results."

I head back home. But as soon as I do I hear mom and dad arguing.

Mom: "You're drunk again."

Man: "I have the right to be."

I walk up the steps when the floorboard creeks alerting them to my presence.

Dad: "Hey there he is. The soon to be number one superhero."

Mom: "Quit telling him that, he'll become cocky."

Dad: "It ain't cocky if you know you can win."

Mom: "Typical you. Always gotta act like you're the best."

Dad: "Because I am."

I roll my eyes flopping onto bed. I flip onto my back thinking. My quirk is quite powerful. It puts me at the advantage over my opponents. And since it has no limit that means I'm even more at the advantage. Dad's right. It's not arrogant if you know you'll always win. Which is why I plan on becoming the best hero to have ever lived. I turn onto my side which is playing the news. Taking the center of the screen is the number one hero.

Y/N: "Even better than All Might."

I close my eyes heading to sleep. The next day I check the mailbox. After finding a letter to me I toss the other mail on the table. Ripping the letter open a disk makes a projection of All Might appear.

All Might: "Greetings. If you've received this then congratulations. You've just been given an extremely high honor. And that is to join the best hero academy in the country. UA academy! Welcome aboard!"

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