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Overhaul: "Back from the dead? How was the trip?"

Y/N: "Highly overrated. Would not go again."

Overhaul: "I beat you once. Don't make me do it again."

I narrow me eyes in anger. I then launch a blast of electrical energy at him. He holds his hand out making the attack shatter. He places his other hand on the ground making the earth splinter towards me. I launch myself upwards but then blast again making his foot grab attack miss.

Y/N: "You won't get my the same way twice."

Overhaul: "You learn, good."

He makes the ground erupt into pillars that all rush to crush me. I blast myself into the ground dodging his attack.

Man: "Where'd he go?"

I silently burrow through the ground. When the timing's right I spring out slinging Eri onto my back. Before Overhaul can react I launch two pulses of nuclear energy pushing him away.

Eri: "You came back."

Y/N: "Of course. A hero never leaves a kid behind."

Overhaul: "That kid belongs to me. With her I can rid the world of the superhero sickness."

Y/N: "You won't be laying another hand on Eri ever again."

Overhaul: "You heroes are such filth. Laying your dirty hands on the ones trying to help everyone. Look you've got some serious power, just give me the girl and I won't have to kill you."

Y/N: "You're nothing more than a villain. You use a child to help with whatever diabolical goal you have up your sleeve. I may not be the kindest superhero. But not even I would just watch as a little girl is treated like dirt."

Overhaul: "Eri. You don't deserve him. You'll only get him killed. Just like the other person you cared about. You're nothing but a curse. And no one will ever love a curse."

Tears begin streaming down her cheeks. I rub her head.

Y/N: "Don't listen to him Eri. You're not a curse. You're a girl who'll always have someone looking after her. You've got a hero on your side."

More tears stream down her cheeks as her grip on my back tightens. She then buries her face.

Eri: "Thank you."

Overhaul: *scream of anger* "Damn hero!!! Now I'll gladly kill you and the girl!!"

Man: "If you do that then all our work will be destroyed."

Overhaul: "We have enough samples to replicate her DNA. She's useless now."

Y/N: "Listen Eri. Things are about to get messy. I want you to close your eyes and hold on tight okay?"

She nods her head covering her eyes with my shirt. Overhaul sends chuncks of the ground at me. I slide to the side with air. But that's when Overhaul delivers a right hook. I counter my delivering my own. What guess is his quirk sends a pulse through my arm. The blood vessels under my skin begin bursting as pain now consumes my arm.

Overhaul: "Can you feel it? My quirk dissembling your body. In only a few seconds you'll be reduced to nothingness."

I grit my teeth as the pain hits my shoulder. That's when I realize something. Thinking quick I use my quirk to move his attack. It travels through my chest into my left arm. As it reaches my wrist I punch Overhaul in the jaw with the impact sending him into a wall.

Overhaul: "How? How were you able to redirect my quirk?"

Y/N: "You say your quirk lets you dissemble. But what you don't know is that when you're doing that you're releasing a lot of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the one of the most powerful energies I can absorb."

He stares before slightly laughing.

Overhaul: "Very impressive. You're the only person I know who can survive my attack. This fight will be one for the ages."

I look down at my arm. Some areas are purple, almost black, with my knuckles slightly out of place.

Y/N: *thinking* "This guy's powerful. I gotta find a way to end this quickly. If I don't then I fear he'll be the one to actually kill me."

Overhaul: "You gonna stand there or you gonna fight?"

I raise my fists coating them in nuclear energy. After a brief stare down me and Overhaul rush at each other.

The Absorbing HeroWhere stories live. Discover now