Chapter 1: Patagonia

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Welcome to Mount Massive...
Attached as the video is the song Waylon has on in the car.   :)

Trees blocked the light of the setting sun as Waylon drove down the gravel road. The shining silver of his Range Rover had to be dull with dust after all the gravel that was kicked up under his car's wheels. It had been almost 30 minutes since he began his drive into the mountains, and all he could see was the narrow path ahead of him. There was no life on the road, and the dense forest surrounding it looked nearly dead as if nothing inhabited it. It was unsettling to say the least, as he was used to busy roads back in Leadville.

The soft hum of the radio was enough to slightly soothe Waylon's nerves as he drove further into the forest. He was never really fond of the overplayed music the radio stations in Leadville had to offer, but he had recently come across an indie music station that made driving a bit more relaxing. It gave him some space to think, and it wasn't overwhelming like some of the other songs the radio had to offer.

My paradise has fallen

I better leave Patagonia

As everything gets harder

Does everything get harder

Waylon found himself tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and lightly bobbing his head to the tune, letting himself relax a little bit before his big night.

He had just been contacted by Murkoff, a company that had taken up work in Leadville for the past few years. They hadn't done much other than take part in a few charity events for the local hospital and sponsor a few of the news stations in town. Murkoff stayed relatively distant from the public's eye for the few years they had been around.

However, one particular investment on their end had the public scratching their heads. When Murkoff had first arrived in Leadville, the public didn't hear much of them or really have the mind to care about what they were up to. What no one expected, however, was that they would take an interest in an old asylum in the mountains just outside of Leadville.

Mount Massive Asylum, originally a center for the criminally insane back in the 30's, had been bought by Murkoff Corp for reasons that remained unknown. It was an old and eerie institution that sat deep in the mountains and was surrounded by miles of thick forest. There was a single narrow gravel road that you took to get to the asylum, but Waylon concluded that there must not be many people using it as he hadn't seen any cars, or anyone at all, coming down the road either way while he had been driving.

I better go and find you

As everything breaks down

Why does the floor fall through?

As everything gets harder

Harder now, harder now

The way he had been contacted by Murkoff was through a simple email. It was not anything flashy or over the top, which was to be expected. The company had always kept somewhat of a low profile. However, it still surprised Waylon, as he hadn't reached out to the company beforehand. How they got his email was somewhat confusing to him as he never gave them it, however due to contacting his various clients through email, he thought that maybe the company had just gotten his information from one of them.

Waylon had a job as IT/Computer Repair assistant. Clients would reach out to him about technology-based issues involving broken computers, or issues with various softwares, and he would do a simple fix for them. It wasn't a super intense job, but it's what he liked and it was simple because he was able to work for himself. It made being a dad to his two sons much easier, especially now that they were getting older.

His Lullaby {Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park} {Outlast}Where stories live. Discover now