Chapter 26: Wedding Bells

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Waylon finds his stranger.
(If there are any gramatical or spelling errors, I'm SO sorry! Literally just so sleepy lol).

This chapter contains hints of infidelity, some gore, some pretty crude language, and more mature themes.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to answer anything. :> Thank you. Be careful!

Waylon's POV

The air felt much colder than usual. The atmosphere was frantic and buzzing with anticipation. There was a dampness to everything that Waylon didn't quite recall.

Maybe at one point he had, but now he was coming to the realization that anyone can get used to something if they're exposed to it long enough.

Perhaps that's why it was so easy for Waylon to trek through the vocational block in search of Eddie, even though it was entirely dark. He didn't have his camera to aid him with night vision. He was left to look for Eddie with only his memory of the layout of the block.

He'd already checked his own room, and Eddie's still remained empty since Miles had left. The next few places to check were the workshop, the wedding room, the main sewing room, and... the gymnasium. He severely hoped that Eddie wouldn't be in there specifically.

Miles's last statement rang in his head.

"Leave your 'groom' if it means getting back to Lisa."

Waylon knew that it was the obvious choice of any sane person. It was the choice anyone would make if they were in this situation.

But why did Waylon feel so conflicted about doing just that...?

There was too much guilt. Too much responsibility. Too much personal investment to just leave Eddie behind to die. Waylon had let him suffer in the Morphogenic Engine. He hadn't stopped it. And the only thing he had done in the last few days is take any inkling of comfort he could from the man.

(He'd kissed him!)

It was sickening.

He tried to push the thought away, instead attempting to focus on the task at hand. Finding Eddie so they could get the hell out of the asylum.

The main room was empty, and so was the workshop. It was completely lifeless, like Eddie had never existed in the first place. Unlike before, there was no hum of Eddie's voice to lure Waylon to his location.

Instead, Waylon found himself humming the blasted tune, now as a means of comfort. Anything other than the eerie feel that plagued the asylum's lonely corridors.

"By the old mill stream..." Waylon mumbled, peeking in doorways and ducking back out. "..there sits a couple old and gray."

"Though years have rolled away, mmm... hearts are young today.." he continued, trying his best to remember the lyrics Stella would sing. God, how he missed her.

Waylon quietly opened the chain-linked door, creeping down the hallway towards the room Eddie had claimed for their wedding. Upon opening the door, Waylon was able to make out the new features that had been added in the dark.

There was a sheet acting as a walkway, with moss strewn across the ground to mock flower petals. At the end of the path, there sat a small desk to act as a podium for a priest.

"Mother, dear, looks up at Dad with love light in her eye..." Waylon continued, tip-toeing up the path towards the desk. Mannequins had been placed in chairs to act as people in the crowd, and the empty stares from their dirtied heads gave Waylon the creeps.

When he neared the desk, his eyes settled upon a small orange string that sat on top of it. It was tied into a small loop, matching the blue string on Waylon's ring finger.

His Lullaby {Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park} {Outlast}Where stories live. Discover now