Chapter 14: Dangerous

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Lisa is on the mission to rescue Miles and Waylon, but perseverance gets harder as things start becoming more intense. Waylon is in his room trying to sleep after the ordeal with Eddie, contemplating his regrets when there's a mysterious noise from the room next door.
WARNING: This chapter has gun violence and paranoia. Read with caution, and feel free to comment any questions you may have.

Lisa's POV

They needed to fill up on gas before they left for the Park home, so Lisa pulled into a common gas station she used on her drives to and from work. It wasn't overly crowded, but it certainly wasn't empty. It was just her luck that most of the pumps were taken up by the time she'd got there, and there were people crossing the walkway to the convenience store every few seconds.

Once Lisa had safely parked her car next to one of the pumps near the middle, she turned around to face the boys. Aiden was looking out the window in curiosity, and Lance was fiddling with the strings of his sweater. "Do you guys want a candy bar or anything?"

At the mention of candy, Aiden shot up and gave Lisa his full attention. "YES! I WANT A-"

Lisa smiled and shushed him. "Lower your voice, silly. I'm right next to you."

Aiden laughed and pointed at Lisa. "No, you're silly!"

This earned the attention of LeAnne, who was patiently sitting in the passenger seat. She snorted at Aiden's childish demeanor, and covered her mouth trying not to giggle. Lisa smiled at her and chuckled, turning her face back to Aiden. "Come on, we don't have all day. Tell me what you want, you little goose."

Aiden cackled even more and threw his head back in laughter as Lisa poked his tummy with one of her fingers.

"Can I go in with you, mom?" Lance asked, and it caused a shift in the mood. LeAnne eyed back and forth between Lisa and her son in curiosity. Honestly, it wasn't the best idea to be having the kids running about while all of this chaos was going on, but Lisa felt paranoid. She felt like there was constantly someone watching her. Anyone could be an undercover Murkoff employee or some sort of weird Terminator guy who wanted to capture them and-

Hold on, Lisa. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.. And with that thought, she took a breath to calm herself.

It wouldn't do any good for the boys to be sheltered, either. Lisa didn't know exactly how extreme of a situation she was dealing with, which caused her to panic at every little person who looked their way. But she could see the anguish on Lance's face. Aiden may be easy to fool with his younger age and naive personality, but Lance couldn't be lied to. He picked up on emotions too easily, Lisa thought.

The way Lance had slowly become quieter in the short time Waylon had gone missing was starting to worry Lisa. It wasn't good in general that their father had likely been kidnapped by Murkoff, and Lance knew of the situation. It wasn't easy to lie to him or hide things from him. He could tell when his parents were lying. But the way he'd gone from quipping short, smart remarks in little edges of conversation, and now barely saying anything unless Lisa started the conversation first, worried her. She didn't quite know what to do besides keep trying to get Waylon back, and she didn't know how to shield them from this mess.

As if on cue, her phone started to buzz in her pocket. She looked down at it and saw the name.

'Leadville Elementary School'

Great... she thought. Just another stressor for her.

Lisa looked back up and waved for Lance to exit the car. "Yeah, you can come in. Let's be fast though, okay?"

His Lullaby {Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park} {Outlast}Where stories live. Discover now