Chapter 25: The Radio's Message

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A patient contacts Peacock's agency, and Lisa learns some important information about Waylon. Miles and Waylon have a hurried conversation. Eddie's wherabouts remain unknown.
Sorry for the wait guys! College started up lol. Hope you all enjoy. <3 (If there are any gramatical or spelling errors, I'm SO sorry! Literally just so sleepy lol).

WARNING!This chapter contains hints of infidelity (non stockholm), some gore, and other mature themes.If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to answer anything. :> Thank you. Be careful!

Lisa's POV:

Waylon's fingers carding through her hair in the mornings were always some of the best moments. Quiet breathing and the soft patter of rain on their bedroom window made it even better. He'd run his fingers over her cheeks, softly by nature, and her eyes would flutter open to see him looking right at her.

Lisa would give him a sleepy smile, only to get one in return. The smile would soon turn to his arms being wrapped around her, shielding her from the cold air that threatened to bite her shoulders. He'd bury his face in her neck, and she'd run her cheek against his. The smell of him was enough to relax her, no matter how much stress there was around them.

That morning, there was no such thing. But perhaps she was wishing so hard for Waylon to be there that she started to smell him. She wanted to reach out and grab him. Pull him closer. So she reached out, and grabbed the first thing she could find, only to be welcomed with softness under her finger tips.

She buried her face in her arms, trying not to lose his phantom.

But the pounding at the door got her attention, snapping her out of her dream and sling-shotting her back into the real world.

Waylon's arms became Miles's blankets as she opened her eyes. His form became the reporter's pillow that she'd reached out and grabbed. The smell of Waylon was soon replaced by Miles as well, and it was hard not to give into the temptation of letting herself lay there for a few more moments. The sweater she wore smelled faintly of cologne and something unique to the reporter's apartment.


Another pounding at the door got Lisa's attention, and she sat up instantly. She felt woozy as a blood rush came over, but in only a few seconds, she was stumbling out of Miles's bed and through the door of the room.

The cooled air of the apartment nipping at her bare legs coupled with the nerves about who could be on the other side of the door created an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Like she was close to gagging.

Lisa woke the sleeping forms of Lance and Aiden, who were all snuggled up to Manchee and Hank still. Manchee chirped at her, giving her a small 'meow' as he noticed her presence. Lisa patted his head, and used her other hand to lightly shake the boys awake.

"Mom?" Lance was the first to speak, fatigue slugging after his voice. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"Come on, honey, get up." Lisa ushered the boys up, but Aiden was hard to budge. The boy was a damn hard sleeper.

LeAnne had already started to stir. "What's going on?" She asked with tired eyes, and Lisa felt bad for getting them up so early. But the pounding at the door was becoming more urgent by the second.

"LeAnne, take Aiden will you? Go into Miles's office, and don't come out until I give the clear," Lisa stated, urging her voice to sound as direct as she could.

LeAnne must've noticed the urgency of the situation, as she was able to move out of the chair swiftly, picking Aiden up with her as she went. Lisa wrapped a blanket around Lance's shoulders and directed him to follow LeAnne, to which he did so after looking at his mother in concern.

His Lullaby {Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park} {Outlast}Where stories live. Discover now