Chapter 17: A Lethal Combination

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WARNING: This chapter has mentions of guns/gunshot wounds, domestic violence, pornographic material, marrying someone under the age 18 (past), starving, blood, and unconsensual romantic advances.
Lisa, LeAnne, and the boys take refuge at Miles's apartment where they call Ms. Hope. Lisa thinks Stella is hiding something from her. All the while, Waylon is finding a new sense of comfort in his predatory company.

Lisa's POV

The car ride to Miles's apartment was quiet and brittle. LeAnne sat in the back of the SUV with the boys, holding them close to her as Lisa did her best to concentrate on driving. It was hard considering how violently she was shaking. She came so close to death.

And so had the boys. They could've been killed if it wasn't for Lisa shooting the Murkoff agent threatening Aiden's life.

She aimed for the abdomen, so it was hard to tell whether or not she killed him. It was a very likely possibility, given that there was no one there to call any medical services for him. But Lisa felt shame within her as she thought about his potential death, and the feeling in the back of her head as she replayed her pulling the trigger over and over again.

She felt relief over it. A part of her felt the man deserved it, though she tried not to entertain those thoughts. It was bad enough they were put in a situation like that in the first place. She was a mother before anything, and letting those vicious thoughts get to her would only drive her mad.

Lisa looked in the mirror, making eye contact with LeAnne. LeAnne tried her best to look neutral, but Lisa could see the way she was trembling. Lisa hoped she didn't have a concussion because of the way she was thrown to the ground.

As Lisa's eyes landed on the boys. Aiden's eyes were wide and alert, with his hair sticking up in multiple different directions. He looked absolutely mortified, and the look was accompanied by his runny nose from crying and the way he tightly clung to Lance's sweater.

Lance looked pained. He looked pained and scarred, and Lisa didn't know how they were meant to get out of the situation. His chocolatey eyes were rimmed with a vicious red, and his face was pale, likely still from shock at the whole ordeal. Lance held Aiden close to him, arms wrapped protectively around his little brother as he squished himself up against LeAnne's figure.Her chest tightened in pain at seeing the three of them so hurt and upset, but she didn't blame them.

Although they were under the camouflage of one of the dark Murkoff SUV's, Lisa still felt paranoid. She found herself repeatedly clicking the lock mechanisms on the car door at stoplights, and constantly checking her mirrors and windows for any car that looked suspicious or out of place. Her heart beat wildly in her chest - she could feel it pounding so hard it felt like it would stop at any moment - yet she tried her best to keep a level head.

"LeAnne, give me your phone," Lisa said, and she heard the shuffling of the woman behind her. She held out her hand expectantly, and was relieved to feel a firm object set in her hands. Lisa opened her window, grabbing her own phone out of her pocket and throwing them both out the window.

Lisa tried her best not to pay any attention to the stunned expressions on LeAnne and the boys's faces. She didn't know how much power Murkoff had, and if it was true that Murkoff was part of the government or being funded by it, they could be tracking their devices. If that was the case, it would lead Murkoff right to them, and that wasn't a chance Lisa could afford to take.

Luckily, it wasn't long before they pulled into a parking lot a few blocks down from the apartment complex. Lisa thought about pulling right into the lot, as she didn't want herself or the boys to be outside. There was too much exposure, too many opportunities for a Murkoff agent to come and find them. However, pulling directly into the lot outside Miles's apartment could cause even more issues if a Murkoff agent found the missing vehicle in the lot right next to the building Miles lived in.

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