Chapter 11: This Was Her Trying

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Forever family, or so we all thought.


This chapter deals with mentions of hallucinations, as well as disassociate identity disorder. Please be mindful of the book's warnings! If this book touches sensitive subjects for you, then DO NOT READ!

This is a heavy book that goes over some VERY dark topics, and I'm not afraid to write about them. If you are sensitive to this material, this book IS NOT for you.

Be careful! Stay safe, and give yourself the space you need!


Lisa's POV

She held the wheel steadily as she pulled into the parking lot of the police station. Nothing but determination - maybe a bit of worry - was running through her. Her heart pounded as she threw her seatbelt off, but she didn't slow down. "Come on, boys," she stated, looking through the mirror into the back seat.

Lance unbuckled his seatbelt quickly, following the actions of his mother. She noticed the worry laced in the child's brow as he scooted out of the booster seat, and her heart ached for him. Lisa cursed her husband in her head for giving all his stupid, smarty genes to Lance. That boy was way too observant of others for his own good.

Her eyes moved to Aiden, drowsy as he woke up from his nap. He rubbed his eyes, and Lance aided him in unbuckling his car seat. "Where are we?" he yawned, and Lisa couldn't help but smile at the cute interaction - Lance holding out his hand for Aiden to take as he woke up. He grabbed his little brother's hand, and pulled him out of the seat, opening the door to the car.

Lisa grabbed her phone and keys, slipping them into her pocket as she rested her sunglasses on the top of her head. She opened the door, making sure to double-check the door was locked. She'd never been the scaredy-cat type, and if you'd asked her a few weeks ago what she thought about Leadville, Colorado, she would've told you it was a safe town. However, paranoia had gotten to her in the last while since she learned of Murkoff's relations to her husband.

God, it frightened her to think of what may be happening to Waylon. The email she was shown by Miles before his departure had thrown her into a paranoid frenzy, watching out for any cars similar to that of Blaire. She couldn't believe she'd let that man into her house; he blatantly tried filling her head with absolute nonsense. But Lisa couldn't be fooled, not like that. She knew Waylon.

He loved them all. He was kind of clingy even, constantly checking to make sure she was having a good day and volunteering to pick the boys up from school half the time, even if Lisa had the day off. The one thing he'd do for sure is at least give them a damn call, but it's been silent. Any texts to his number were left on read, and she couldn't take it. It was driving her insane. After a while, the messages wouldn't even deliver, and his entire phone number stopped working. He was completely off the radar.

"Mom?" Lance called out from the other side of the car, and Lisa shook her head, tightening the ponytail that sat high in her hair and clearing her thoughts.

"One second, honey," she responded, checking the lock one last time. Lisa rounded the side of the car, grabbing the boys' hands and walking towards the building. It was a decently sized station, especially for the smallish town of Leadville. When she was a little girl, she wanted to be a police officer, but the training and blood put a bad taste in her mouth. She was a bit more creative with her work, preferring her animation studio over getting screamed at by inmates.

"I'm not getting arrested, am I?" Aiden whined, tugging on Lisa's hand. She chuckled and smiled at him.

"No, pumpkin, I just gotta check something," she stated, lightly pulling him along with her. She would've gotten a babysitter, but she was wary of others, and didn't wanna let the boys out of her sight.

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