Chapter 27: Give Me Light

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While some events come to an end, other events are just beginning.
(If there are any gramatical or spelling errors, I'm SO sorry! Let me know and I'll fix em!)
This chapter contains mental breakdowns, traumatic flashbacks, gore, violent, and more mature themes.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to answer anything. :> Thank you. Be careful!

Waylon's POV

He'd fucked up. He knew he had.

Lisa was never angry with him. Never, ever. But now here he was, sitting on their porch while the moon rose over the top of the treeline near their house.

Lance had gotten into a fight at school. And it wasn't pretty. Not only because Lance had never lashed out physically towards Waylon, Lisa, his brother, or anyone ever. If anything, he was abnormally peaceful. He was quiet, observant, and watchful - much more than a kid his age needed to be.

Lisa and Waylon had never found it to be anything other than a distinct personality trait of his. Lance was so.... Calming. Aiden was always the louder one between the two of them.

Waylon and Lisa had never even known anything about bullying at the boys' school. There had never been any marks they could see on Lance's skin, and he never spoke about anything that went wrong in his day.

It was just a normal day, he'd say.

And they believed him.

God, why had they believed him? Why hadn't they questioned him? Pressed for a bit more?

Now here he was, suspended from his school for shoving a kid out of his seat. When the boy fought back, Lance didn't let up. When Waylon had gone to his school to pick him up, Lance had confessed to everything.

To the punches. To the bite mark on the boy's wrist. To the instigation of the fight.

Waylon knew better than anyone else that Lance couldn't have started it. It just wasn't... him. He wouldn't ever start something unprovoked.

And he was right.

Though Lance didn't say anything, and even now still refused to admit that he faced bullying at school, the principal had pulled Waylon aside and told him the truth.

Waylon didn't think it fair that Lance got punished and the other boy got only a warning. But after a quick explanation, Waylon wasn't willing to get lawyers involved. Not against the kind of money the other family had.

On the drive home, Waylon had tried to get Lance to say something - anything - about the incident. But Lance didn't say anything other than the apologies he kept muttering under his breath.

When they got home, Lisa had just gotten off work and had Aiden with her. Lance had gone straight to his room while Waylon gave Lisa the rundown.

Lisa wasn't happy in the slightest. Waylon was aware of her terrible past with physical violence, and he had no intention of disrespecting it, but he admitted to Lisa that he was happy that Lance had fought back. Had defended himself in the face of bullies.

It was something Waylon wished he'd done back when he was a kid.

Lisa was pissed. She was pissed as all hell, and Waylon knew she had a right to be. Waylon should've just kept the thought to himself, as Lisa was already stressed from the fact that the situation had happened in the first place.

They'd get through it. They always had. But it still felt terrible admitting to someone who faced violence themselves that he was okay with his kid hitting another.

His Lullaby {Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park} {Outlast}Where stories live. Discover now