~Her Eyes~

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Omniscient Reader 3rd Person POV:

"What do we do with her?" A boy questioned, hair hanging over his face as he gazed down at a girl lying on the grass. His question simply seemed to be lost in thin air.

"Is she asleep," another boy with golden hair asked, "or dead?"

The two boys looked to their leader, a dark-skinned boy that stood tall. He simply seemed to stare at the girl as if lost in thought. The golden-haired boy, second in command, was about to speak when their leader spoke up before him.

"She looks like she's breathing, so when she wakes up we should give her the chance to be treated like any other glader," he stated firmly. "You two, carry her to the med-jack hut. When she does wake up, greet her and make sure she doesn't get out of the maze doors," he finished.

"Just watch her? Don't we have our jobs to take care of?" But instead of listening to the questions, the leader walked off. The golden-haired boy looked on after him with an incredulous look while the other boy began muttering to himself. 

"We need to pick her up I guess, Minho."

"I know Alby said to, Newt, but wouldn't that disturb her?" Minho asked with hesitancy.

"Like you said, it's what Alby told us to do," Newt shrugged. "Now come on and help me."

So, the two boys picked the girl up by her shoulders and legs, hauling her to the med-jack hut with slight difficulty. Once there, they were breathing heavily as Clint and Jeff, organizing supplies before the day began, worked around them.

Though, when they saw it was a girl and not a glader, they stopped immediately. 

"Who is that?" Clint asked with slight disbelief. 

"A shucking girl we found in the grass by the maze doors," Newt huffed out. 

"What? She was just there?" Jeff asked in confusion.

"Yes, Alby said to bring her here until she wakes up. I suggest you get some chairs out because he told us to watch her," Newt stated with annoyance. 

Just then, one of the newer gladers walked in, curious about the ruckus in the early morning.

"Who is she?" he asked softly once he noticed the sleeping girl's face. 

"We don't know, just found her by the doors and Alby is being unreasonable," Newt replied exasperatedly.

"Thomas, are you running today?" Minho asked. 

"No, I'm off today, why?"

"We have jobs to do and Alby wants us to watch her, will you?" Newt asked.

"Yeah, I can do that," Thomas agreed.

So for the rest of the day, Thomas sat there making conversation with Jeff and Clint when possible. He helped out a bit, and ate his meals, watching the girl all the while.

Before night fell Clint left Thomas an empty cot and some water for when she woke up.


When the soft pink sunrise peeked over the cracked stone walls riddled with countless vines, the boy sat on his cot, watching the girl. He had stared at the girl for hours and not once had noticed his eyes growing tired. 

Newt walked into the hut with an apple in hand, sitting beside Thomas. 

"No movement yet?" Newt asked.

"Nothing," Thomas replied.

"Well, she's bound to wake up soon surely."

It wasn't until the boiling heat of the afternoon sun had been gracing them for hours that Newt had got up. The golden-haired boy gave one last glance at the girl lying there peacefully before wandering off. 

Some of the other guys that had come into the hut for injuries or medicine every so often asked lots of questions. But Thomas couldn't answer. All their questions would be answered when she woke up. If she woke up.


After three nights, there was a soft cry, a sound of confusion, that sounded from inside the med-jack hut. The dark-haired boy sat upright and alert. Or, as alert as you could be after being in the same place for three days without a lot of sleep. He stared into what looked like the ocean's crystal clear waters, the raging tidal waves, the green of the blades of grass lying just beneath, the bark of new trees, and the depth of it all. Her eyes stared right back at him.

Like a disturbance was sensed, Newt woke up. He too, over the days had sat with Thomas in the hut, staring at the girl's beautiful yet pitiful sleeping face. He began a trek across the grass towards the med-jack hut. The soft pitter-patter of footfalls on damp grass approached. She laid back on the cot, staring at the roof of sticks as she willed her vision to render. She saw the sky through small cracks in the wood. There were no stars up there, but in her eyes was the whole universe and then some. All the stars the two boys could ever hope to see. All the stars they ever needed.


881 words~

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring. The next chapter will be more eventful not to worry.

QOTD: How are you? (ik it's basic but like- :)

I'm doing very well atm, kinda in a bit of a reorganization mode with this fic so that's fun!

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I'm doing very well atm, kinda in a bit of a reorganization mode with this fic so that's fun!

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