~Got A Heart To Give~

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"Ah, my Knight in Shining Armor. What, you don't think I can fend for myself?"

James Dashner, The Maze Runner


You discovered something one morning in the Glade while tying your boots. As you looped the strands to tie together your fingers made a heart shape. You snickered as a mischievous idea popped into your head. It was a rather uneventful day, and it was about two months into your stay at the Glade. Two new greenies had come along and yet some people still teasingly called you that, mainly Minho. Darn your stupidity for thinking that was your name!

You swung your legs off the hammock and stood up fully, letting your brain render the ground before walking off to the homestead. You knew you'd find Thomas there getting ready for his run today. He wasn't off the job today so yeah, he'd be there. You were just waiting for a perfect moment.

You tugged on the strings of your hoodie, willing them to scrunch up the hood. The only thing that could possibly cover your frizzy hair this morning. Chuck's neat plaits had been extra messy this morning. He usually braided your hair after breakfast every day since you liked it so much, but it wasn't breakfast yet. You had been running around in the woods the day before for berries for Fry so you had to pick out so many twigs and leaves already. You should've taken a shower but you were so tired.

Thomas and Minho were sat down, gulping down whatever food they could get their hands on before their running began. You waved and shimmied into the seat next to Thomas, a wide grin on your face as you said good morning in your hand language that everyone pretty much knew by now. He grinned back at you and literally downed the rest of his plate in one bite.

"Hey, y/n," Thomas greeted. "Why are you up so early?"

You bit your lip and leaned your head to the side, placing a finger to your temple. Then you opened up your hands along with your eyes.

"Just awake for no reason?" Thomas checked, you nodded vigorously.

"Sounds like fun," Minho said sarcastically. To him it was too early to play you hand mime guessing games. Thomas could do it with his eyes closed pretty much. Minho however, he would let Thomas handle it for him. Thomas wrapped an arm around your shoulder when he saw you shiver in an attempt to warm you up despite the freezing morning air. It was always cold in the mornings at the Glade. You had always hated that.

"We have to get going, it's the crack of dawn and the doors will open anytime now," Thomas states, obviously disappointed that he has to leave you.

Yeah, you got it. But sometimes it was hard not to see your best friend every single day. He had a job though and so did you. But you seriously wanted to show him what you had discovered. So you tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Hm?" he said, absentmindedly. You grabbed his hand and swung it back and forth as you walked with them to the maze doors. The wind blew you braids and flyaways as the doors opened. Thomas squeezed your hand once before running after Minho into the maze. When he glanced back you made the little heart with your hands and then stuck your tongue out in a joking manner.

He immediately paused. The next thing you knew was warm arms wrapped around you in a death grip hug. You swore he hugged you so tight you might've died from lack of oxygen. Then gently, he eased off and just rested his chin on your shoulder until...

"Thomas, c'mon!" Minho called from down the maze's corridor. Thomas gave you an apologetic look and you gestured your 'stay safe' to him.

"I know you don't see me off often, but when you do please do that again," Thomas winked at you before turning back to the giant passage and bolting to Minho's side. You weren't sure if he was referring to the hug, or the heart with your hands thing.

You just shrugged and decided you could do both probably. It was a joke, but Thomas seemed to take that pretty seriously. You made an odd face before heading off to find Newt. After all, he woke up early as the acting leader.

Later on in the day you had stepped outside to get some fresh air after cleaning some serious injuries. Gally waved you over to where he was working. This was usual since whenever you stepped out to get some air from the stuffy med-jack hut where people were always coming and going, you'd either get called over by Gally or by Newt. Occasionally Frypan or Chuck would have a favor as well.

You jogged over to Gally and patted him on the shoulder as if to say 'I'm here, what do you need shank?'. Definitely a friendly greeting on your part.

You helped him as he nailed down a few boards, patching up the Homestead for the umpteenth time. Once he was sure it was good he turned and raised his eyebrows at you.

'What?' you mouthed.

"I found you something," he said, his face morphing into a side-smirk. Oh no.

It was actually pretty awesome this time around. He found you a, "Frog!" Gally said excitedly holding out his hands as the small slimy creature stared up at you in curiosity.

You made a confused face before holding your hands out next to Gally's larger ones. The frog hopped from his to yours and then onto your shoulder from there. You grinned wickedly as this tiny creature made a croaking noise. You turned to Gally and waved your hands around wildly signaling excitement and many thank you's.

He cracked a smile and watched you run off with your new friend, the frog.

"Yeah, definitely a good choice to give it to her of all people," he muttered amusedly to himself.


This frog was fantastic. You ran over to Newt and rapidly pointed at your shoulder and he turned and almost screamed. Apparently Newt did not like frogs, so you wandered off to Chuck after that horrible reaction. You made your rounds to every single glader and showed off your cool pet frog. He even got a name! It was f/n. (insert a cool frog's name here)

By the time the runners came back you couldn't help but show it off to them too. Thomas made a beeline to you, probably from what you had done earlier, Minho however did not. You'd find him later with f/n.

You smiled from ear to ear as Thomas drew close and pointed at your shoulder. You gestured a 'look what I have' and then showed off your frog friend. Thomas seemed amazed at the frog. It was the best reaction you had gotten that day, aside from Newt's girlish scream at the creature. To think his name was Newt and he was scared of something so close to a newt. What a wimp.

You told Thomas all about Newt's girl scream through your hand gestures and for the most part he had gotten it and laughed. After a while your froggy friend got bored of being on your shoulder and hopped off. He was sitting on a tree looking cute as always.

Yeah, f/n was pretty great.

You had to leave for dinner eventually and when you came back, f/n was gone. You were sad your great companion was lost to the woods. Newt found out about this later on a tried to comfort you even though he did not like that frog.

Oh well, that was the end of f/n.


1330 words

Thank you for reading this!!

QOTD: What did you name your pet frog in this chapter?

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