~Stupid Gardening Tool~

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"No one has ever survived a night in the maze."

The Maze Runner, movie


Today was kind of peaceful. You got up on your own, apparently too early for everyone else. You wandered around and hit out your boxes, digging through them some more. You changed into some clothes you thought suited you well enough. You wandered around and laid down in the grass assessing the place. Then, Newt came and found you.

You gave him a quizzical look.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked.

You shrugged and looked back at the sky. Not like I can explain it.

You glanced at him sideways. "Oh, I'm used to getting up early as a former runner and second in command," he stated.

You nodded. You let Newt pull you up when it was time for breakfast and sat with him today. Then you walked off towards the med-jack hut. They checked the bandages on your leg from what you had done the other day and switched them. You let them, being a little groggy this morning.

Around lunchtime, you were patching someone up when you heard someone.

"Hey, Y/N?" Clint's voice snapped you back to reality.

You looked over. "I found a random gardening tool, do you mind taking it back to Zart for me?" he asks.

You nodded, but also had no idea who Zart was. Oh well, guess you'd have to figure it out yourself.

"Also, when you're done you're good to head to lunch!" Clint called after you.


On your way to the gardens, you found Newt picking at some weeds with Thomas. There were big arches of vines and it looked really pretty to you. Berries of all sorts were strewn about, pink, purple, and blue. You tapped Newt on the shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Newt asks. You hold up the gardening tool.

"Oh, yeah I forgot I left that in the med-jack hut. Don't worry, I was bringing one of the shanks over because he got some poison ivy."

You silently laughed a bit and then smiled at them, they looked like they were working hard. You wondered if they needed anything so you tried your best to communicate this with hand gestures and signs. You pointed at them, then at the tool you were holding, and motioned you digging a bit.

Thomas looked more than a bit confused. Newt laughed a bit and then spoke up.

"You could grab us some fertilizer in the woods if you want to help..?" Newt offered. You smiled and picked up a bucket and shovel, wandering off to find the so-called fertilizer in the woods. You felt a bit dejected with being sent away from them with this task, but it was okay. You were helping them. You walked into the trees, the further you went in the less safe you felt.

You were about to turn back, all that 'don't ignore your gut feelings' and stuff. But, you had no time.

Snap. A twig. Was that you? You thought.

You kept walking, Newt said it was only a bit farther than the stream which you had just passed. There was a strange thing poking out of the ground ahead of you. You realized it was a bone and then you saw the headstone. You put your hand over your mouth, eyes wide in shock. You knelt down and saw the name. It was one of the names that was crossed out on the stone wall. You felt bad.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now