~Newt's In Charge~

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"Minho snickered and leaned back in his chair. 'Man, you are one butt-load of sunshine, let me tell you.'"

James Dashner, The Maze Runner #1


You awoke in the middle of the night from probably the worst nightmare so far. You couldn't remember it after a few seconds, and you were thankful. Everyone around you looked so peaceful and you didn't want to wake anyone up.

But you got up anyways, going to a quiet spot by the doors of the maze. Eventually, the sky became shades lighter as the sun rose, and your eyes were so heavy you went to sleep. Your eyelids sighed with relief and the sudden darkness sparked images to float about your mind.

You thought of Newt and Thomas mainly. It had been about 2 months and 3 days since you first got here. But in the past 3 days, so many things have happened that you weren't sure it was that short of a time.


You woke up to someone poking you in the side with their foot. They prodded a bit until your eyes fluttered open, a blue sky above you. Minho grinned down.

"Hey, sneaky, get up. We can't have you laying here while everyone else works. I think you've done enough of that," he teased.

You scowled at him but reluctantly got up. You couldn't question anything before Minho and Alby ran off into the maze. You knew for a fact that Alby was not a runner.

Newt eventually saw you walking back and ran over, trying to hide his giddiness.

At breakfast, Newt explains that he'll be busy since he's in charge for the day. Since Alby went into the maze due to Minho finding something.


After lunch, and a nice meal. You headed back to the med-jack hut. Gally was right about the builders always hammering their fingers instead of the nails after all.

Right as you reached the small building, it started raining. You needed to clean up the med-jack hut quickly. You placed all the bandages, gauze, tools, and other supplies away in drawers. The rain became heavier and you soon realized you needed to get to the Homestead.

Newt's POV:

"She's going to be alright, okay?" I said. Thomas was giving me a headache and all these bloody shanks asking where Alby was were not helping at all.

"But what if-" Thomas started but I held up my hand to silence him. We all stood and watched the rain in complete silence.

I was worried too of course, though I didn't want to be. It's just because she's a girl. I keep telling myself that but I'm not sure it excuses this behavior. What the heck? Did I like her actually? No, that's definitely not it.

I was sure she was going to make it back, and so would Alby and Minho.

A rumble of thunder sounded through the glade. That broke me out of my thoughts. Chuck pointed towards the med-jack hut and I sighed in relief. Y/N was there running towards us.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now