~Winning You~

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"It's kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong."
James Dashner - The Maze Runner #1


Walking away from Thomas, you felt happy. A smile lit up your face and you thought that maybe you were right about liking both of them. It wasn't just certain things about them either, just being around them made you feel better. It was such a new feeling to experience for you. And what a wondrous feeling it was.

You ran over to Newt and upon reaching the gardens you sighed. You slouched your shoulders down a bit. Next thing you know, someone's hand is on your forehead.

"All good?" you heard a familiar accent ask.

"What? Oh, yeah! I'm amazing," you smiled genuinely.

He put his hand on your shoulder and searched your eyes just to make sure. "You can talk to me about anything if you need to."

"I know!" you jumped, putting a soft hand on his cheek. "Um... actually-"

"Hm?" Newt hummed.

"I made you something..." you sheepishly fumbled around through your pockets and pulled out the other flower crown. Newt just stared at it. At that moment he seemed to have lost his usual confidence. Around you it was hard to keep that up anyway. It felt like his heart had melted right then and there, he smiled and took it gently out of yours hands.

"Wait, Newt! Let me put it on your head."

"Alright," he laughed. You gently took it out of his hands and placed it on top of his head adjusting it here and there. He bent over a bit for you to do so.

"I knew it would look good on you!" you stated triumphantly as Newt straightened up. Newt blushed and gave you a toothy grin.

"There's no way it wouldn't have looked good on me, darling. And I have something for you," he said cheekily.

You were a bit taken aback with the sudden nickname, and raised your eyebrows in anticipation. "You're right, everything looks good on you." you grin at him in return.

Newt stooped down to the grass and plucked out a flower, weaving it into a small ring.

"Your hand, my lady," he bowed. You giggled and extended your fingers towards him. He slipped it onto your fourth finger on your left hand.

"It's so pretty!" you squealed and held your hand out to examine it from different angles.

"I'm glad you think so," Newt smiled. "It was kind of last minute."

You laughed a bit more. Then you turn your face towards the sky and hold your hand above your eyes to shield them from the sun. You looked back down at Newt. "Would you maybe want to sleep out of the homestead tonight?" you asked quietly.

"You mean sneaking out?" he whispered back looking alarmed.

"Yeah, not that there are many places but I thought it would be quiet."

"Oh, love, I already do that enough," he chuckled. "I sleep by the maze doors occasionally when I get nightmares."

You turned back to him and raised your eyebrows. "Mr. Goody-two-shoes, second in commmand already sneaks out?" you said trying to hide your excitement.

"Yeah, let me take you to see somewhere instead. I promise you'll love it."

You smiled at him in a silent agreement.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now