~"It's Calm"~

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"Good that."
James Dashner, The Maze Runner #1


Your POV:

"What was that, Greenie?" the blonde boy asked.

"Run," you repeated in a whisper because you couldn't muster much more than that. "Run, I want to run," you said turning to look at him.

The dark-haired boy had his arms locked solid around your waist, seemingly going unnoticed. You needed to free yourself from his restraint and run. You squirmed a bit but he didn't let go.

"I know running is great, but we can't let you run off again. Sorry, Greenie." 

You stared at him for a moment, he looked a bit rough, but his eyes were kind. You stopped squirming and at this, he loosened his arms. 

"My name is Thomas, do you remember yours?" he asked. You shook your head in response. Thomas... that sounds familiar. Why can't I remember? 

The other boy had caught up to 'Thomas' by now, hands on his knees and panting.

"Bloody hell, are we going to have to put you in the pit to stop you?" he asked a little too loudly. Your eyes widened. The pit? Are they going to lock me up for running away? I need to get out of here!

Again, a hand was held out to help you up but this time you pushed yourself up and dusted off your worn pants. Then, you ran. The two boys behind you panicked, how much could you still run for? 

"Good job Newt, you scared her!" Thomas shouted behind him before racing after you.

"I don't want to keep doing this!" Thomas yelled behind you once he got close. You looked back and saw he was right on your heels. You reached the other side of the forest and when you broke through the trees, the dark-haired boy called out a name you thought you recognized a bit, just like when he told you his, but you didn't know why.

"MINHO!!!" the dark-haired boy yelled and waved his arms wildly while keeping hot on your trail.

Then, something collided with your body. It ceased your running for sure.


"Is she okay?" the blonde one asked. He had fallen behind after you had run again. You noticed he seemed to have a slight limp earlier. It concerned you even if he suggested locking you up. Your thoughts were cut off though.

"She's fine, and should wake up soon." Another voice added. They seemed to be far off in the distance. But, they also seemed to be getting closer. You opened your eyes to see the two boys, and four new boys in the room with you as well. Wait... Where were you? It was like a makeshift shack. You sat up quickly and remembered running, but the moment you tried to get up, the dark-haired boy, 'Thomas', stepped closer to the bed, wary of your sudden movement. You glanced around wildly with fright before settling your eyes on the two who were once chasing you.

"I apologize for knocking you out," said a guy with swoopy hair. "My name is Minho." He stuck his hand out but you didn't know what to do with it. His hand was also very big so you were scared your hand might get crushed.

"It's alright, Greenie. We know what it's like too. Well, sort of." The blonde chaser, you dubbed him, added on.

"My name is..." you began to whisper before you trailed off. "Greenie..?" you questioned with a hopeful but tiny smile. The room was dead quiet, but they still could barely hear you. Oh, if you knew how much that smile warmed all their hearts. Then, 'Minho' burst out laughing. 

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now