~The Sacrifice~

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"Such a display of death - how could it be considered a victory?"
James Dashner, The Maze Runner


You were still sort of conscious when you heard Gally punch Thomas in the face. Everyone gasped and tried to hold Gally back as Thomas regained his stance.

"This is all you, Thomas! Look around! Do you remember what Alby said? He's one of 'em! He's one of 'em and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has!" Gally yelled at the gladers.

You tried to lift a weak finger to tell them it wasn't his fault but you could feel the venom slowly creep through your veins. You coughed a bit which surprised Newt and then Gally saw you laying there.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?" he screamed in outrage.

"I didn't do anything!" Thomas yelled. But it fell on deaf ears as Gally and Newt knelt by you, holding your hands and telling you it'd be okay.

You managed to get one more thing out, "I know." was what you said. Before it all went black.


You woke up to the sound of crickets chirping, and the hazy morning sunlight. Dew was still settled on the grass and faintly in the distance, you could hear the small stream.

But past all that there was a commotion, at the maze walls you figured from how far away it sounded. Then all the memories came rushing back to you. It was Thomas, him and Teresa that did this. You had refused to help but watched everyone get sent into the maze regardless. The most peculiar thing was that you couldn't remember in the slightest how you got into the maze. There was nothing, not the box, not a tank of water like the others, just a doctor telling you, "y/n, Wicked is good." like your last dream. It was weird.

You got up, testing your legs. You gingerly took a step towards the door, pain spiraling up your body. But you had to know what was happening so you walked out the door of the med-jack hut. Gally didn't notice you as you saw him crossing out names on the stone wall of the maze. Gally didn't notice you when you made your way towards the pit. But Gally did notice the slight murmuring in the dead silence other than the sounds of nature in the Glade.

"Newt!" you said with slight surprise. You glanced back at Gally to see him watching your movements.

Newt was on the bars of the pit as Thomas and Teresa were inside.

"y/n?" you heard Thomas and Teresa say in unison.

You pointed an accusing finger at them.

"y/n..?" Thomas asked a bit more hesitantly.

"You did this," was all you said.

"No! I don't remember, I wanted to remember that's why I took that Griever's tail-"

"No," you stated firmly. "I remember," you said, your eye twitching slightly. "Why would you help them?" you asked putting your hands down.

"What?" Thomas asked, "who?"

Then you realized you had to pick a side. Between Gally or Thomas and Newt.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now