~Slight Panic~

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"If you ain't scared... you ain't human."
James Dashner, The Maze Runner #1


Your POV:

You turned on your side and chocolaty brown eyes stared back. Who was he?

A messed up head of dark brown hair, and a couple of scratches and scrapes across his face here and there from work in the fields and from running (running into things that is). He was lean but muscular and held an expression that almost seemed to draw you in. A stoic yet kind expression. He held your gaze and seemed to look at you with eyes that felt like they were puzzling you out, but shock was also written underneath. You opened your mouth to ask but when nothing came out but a whisper of wind, you broke his gaze and grasped the fuzzy surface surrounding yourself. 

You caught yourself staring at the wall. But the brown wood surface was interrupted by a head of golden hair. He also had brown eyes, but instead of chocolate, you could say they were more intense and strikingly magical. They had bits of joy and golden flecks. Freckles dotted the bridge of his nose and cheeks. He looked younger and less built, but wise beyond his years. He stared at you before walking around and reaching a hand out to help you up. The small gesture made you crack a tiny smile.

Neither of the boys could speak, both rendered speechless just by staring into your eyes. But unlike them, who could speak, you seemed to not be able to get any of your thoughts out. It was like you never learned how. You knew you could, somewhere in the back of your mind, but had forgotten.

You propped yourself up on your elbows and reached out a shaky hand to the golden-haired boy. The second he touched your fingers you felt a jolt of electricity. His hand was warm like the blanket around you. You didn't know what he was going to do when you took ahold of his hand. You also didn't know his intentions but had a feeling they would be good, despite the intensity behind his eyes. He hoisted you to a sitting position, not what you were expecting but you swung your legs over the edge of the cot, and he pulled you to a standing up position. You opened your mouth to yelp a bit at the sudden lifting to your feet but nothing came out.

Dropping the blanket from your shoulders, your cocoon of warmth crumbling to your feet, you took a shaky step back. A rush of blood to your head caused you to become very dizzy, and you stared at the ground while your vision blurred, seemingly losing control of your body for a few seconds, you fell over. The dark-haired boy had caught you though as you could tell when your vision cleared back up. You attempted to say thanks but somehow couldn't.

"Woah- you okay there greenie?" the blonde one asked. "Sorry for suddenly pulling you up." but all you could do was mouth 'it's okay' and grin awkwardly.

"It's fine, at least I caught her." the dark-haired one said. "Hey Greenie, do you remember anything?" he asked. And you didn't know who 'Greenie' was but assumed it was you since they said it looking directly at you. You couldn't talk for some reason so you pointed at your chest and tilted your head, as if asking if they were talking to you. The two boys made an odd face before nodding a yes. And in response to their question, you shook your head. Then, the thought began to set in. Nothing before now came to your brain, you racked your thoughts but it was all new and unfamiliar. Nothing from your previous life, like where you were from, what your name was, how you got here. There was nothing, just an empty void filled with bottled-up words that wouldn't come out of your throat.

The panic began to come to you. A new feeling began to form in your stomach like it was twisting into a knot. Your breathing sped up and your vision began to blur a bit, but this time it was from unwanted tears threatening to run down your face. You didn't want them to think you were weak, you didn't even know how long you'd been there. The mystery of it all scared you. You thought you heard one of them ask if you were okay, but you weren't sure so you nodded.

You tried to take a deep breath but it was like you couldn't breathe. Had you both lost your voice and the ability to breathe? You looked around and at the ceiling, you needed to get out. You stepped towards the door peering outside. You saw the stone walls through the now oncoming blue and a few makeshift buildings near the one you were standing at the doorway of. Then, you looked over to see the wide expanse of grass before resting your eyes on a forest-like place not too far in the distance. You looked back at the two boys, helplessly standing there. And you made a run for it.


Running... the running felt nice, it let you breathe so you kept on running.

There were shouts behind you, someone called 'Greenie' again and you knew it was you, but you didn't know them or even their names. There was no obligation to turn back now. You passed a tree, and then a couple more, deeper and deeper into the small bit of woods. You felt lost but you wanted to keep running. You knew if you stopped something would happen. You heard the twigs crunching behind you but you didn't want to turn around. Running felt good.


"Hey, Greenie, please stop!" someone obviously out of breath called after you. It sounded funny, a small accent came out with the voice. You paused for a slight moment, enough for the dark-haired boy to come crashing into you, still on the chase. His arms wrapped around you tightly before you both crashed to the ground.

You were no longer running, the deep intake of breaths from earlier turned short and shallow. You were already exhausted so this made it worse, it felt like you had no control. Your arms and legs were numb and your face was growing numb-er the longer you lay there. Possibly from the cold, but maybe also because of your panic.

"Greenie why'd you have to run like that?" the dark-haired boy asked incredulously. You just stared at your hands before whispering, "Run." in wonderment.


1152 words~

I feel like it's a little weird at the moment, but trust me, it'll get better!!!

QOTD: What did you have for breakfast?

I had cereal- Honey Bunches of Oats is the best!!!

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I had cereal- Honey Bunches of Oats is the best!!!

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now