~That's A Weed~

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"She smiled for the first time, and he almost had to look away, as if something that nice didn't belong in such a glum and gray place, as if he had no right to look at her expression."

James Dashner, The Maze Runner


You woke up early once again. It had become a new normal for you. After a 2 weeks of being here you realized that you'd never truly get to sleep in. Instead of being productive though, you'd tried to generate fun ideas. Newt seemed stressed about things lately and you wanted just a few moments of fun to spend with him. And you had the perfect day planned. Yeah, sure, maybe you were telling yourself it was a thing for friends. But honestly with what you had planned it felt like a date.

First, you needed Gally's help. This would be a project. You just hoped it wouldn't take up the whole morning. Newt still needed time to fulfill his regular duties and you to ask for a day off. You weren't sure how you were going to manage to do that, but at this point you'd come up with tons of hand signals meaning different things.


You waved as Gally sauntered over to you. His hands were shoved in his pockets and an amused expression played on his usually stoic face.

"Hey, y/n, what do ya need?" he asked while ruffling your hair. It had come out wavy from Chuck braiding it the night before so you hadn't minded that he messed it up since it was pretty messy at the moment.

He leaned down so you could whisper your idea. If you weren't talking to multiple people this was easier for you. You saw his eyebrows furrow in contemplation at the mention of this.

"Sure, that sounds generally easy. Would you help me out so I can get the whole idea right?" he quirked a smile. You nodded eagerly and followed him off to where the builders usually worked and kept their equipment. Thomas was running today so he wouldn't be tailing you thankfully. You'd make sure to treat him to something later after his run. He had become a runner after training with Minho for a while. Though he was still considered a runner then too and occasionally went on preliminary runs.

You helped Gally anchor a wooden rod into place between two closely hanging trees. Then you created a wooden chair but longer and without the legs on it. Gally gave you a questioning gaze before pulling out a metal chain. You smiled widely and realized this would be much easier with chain than what you originally had in mind. You and Gally hammered two metal rings into place on the upper beam supported by the two trees. Now, how were you going to do this?

Just then, one of the builders ran over and Gally immediately instructed him to hold up the wonderfully made legless chair. You attached the chain to each side using a hook and drilling a hole.

"Honestly, y/n. You could've been a builder or something because you've got skills for this," the random glader said before wandering off. Now all that was left was to test your creation.

You glanced over at Gally.

"What are you waiting for, n/n. I'll push you!" Gally laughed. You sat down on the small wooden and chain contraption. It swung back and forth and then Gally pushed you. Well, it certainly did work like you had expected it too. You squealed silently in excitement and gripped the metal chains.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now