~Just Keep Running~

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"If you're going to decipher a hidden code from a complex set of different mazes, I'm pretty sure you need a girl's brain running the show."

James Dashner, The Maze Runner #1


When the rain stops, everyone runs to the maze doors. We all knew it was going to close soon. We all knew they weren't there. We all knew what was going to happen. But everyone refused to believe it and stared silently down that dreadful and haunting stone corridor.

Everyone was slowly giving in though, to the pessimistic side where giving up was probably the only option. They needed to stay optimistic though, for their leader if not anyone else.

Then, there was a grunt at the end of the corridor. The doors would close anytime now but everyone started calling out saying they could make it. But nobody took a step forward. Nobody went to help.

Minho walked around the corner, seeming out of breath and dragging Alby over his shoulder. Something was very wrong.

Everyone yelled at him to run, and the loud groan of the maze beginning to close sounded. You knew he wasn't going to make it no matter how hard he tried.

Newt seemingly nudged up right next to you and grabbed your hand. You held his tightly too and blushed a bit. You wondered what this new feeling he was giving you was, just like back when he was trying to warm your hands up. Somehow it was a reassurance for both you and him. A little spark of hope, and when he glanced over at you, the stars in your eyes seemed to shine just a little bit brighter.

Absentmindedly letting go of his hand now, you thought you might be able to help. You were faster and stronger than the other gladers would like to admit.

"Wait, no!" You heard Newt yell as right before the doors closed, you ran in. Thomas looked over at you, seeming to have the same idea so he went right after you, him being a runner and all. Everyone tried to catch you, but you had to help. You couldn't let Minho and Alby just die out there.

When the doors clanked shut, Minho set Alby down. They were both drenched in sweat but the difference was that Alby was unconscious.

Minho started yelling and Thomas put a comforting arm around your shoulders.

Wait... I thought this was a one-person thing, I thought it was only Newt, you thought. The same fluttery feeling was buried deep in your chest under the waves of panic.

You ran in here to save them, yet he was saying that you just killed yourselves. You remembered the noises you heard when you were up late. Sounds from the maze. You didn't want to see what they actually were.

Now that it had gotten dark you needed to find a spot for Alby though. A safe spot, and away from whatever those monsters in the maze at night were.

Thomas figured we could hitch him up the wall.

We took some vines and tied them around his lower abdomen and waist. We grabbed one thick and sturdy vine and all pulled, hoisting Alby up the wall like a pulley.

"When She Woke Up"- (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now