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Renner Opal was stationed at the Hall of Justice the day that the new, Mini-JLA was supposed to be arriving. He was the 'extra security details' that day because they were arriving and was only there because of a favour from Batman, he owed him.

"You now have unlimited access to our gym, our fully-stocked galley, and of course, the library," Renner heard the martian speaking. He was inside said library, equipped with a simple white blouse and dark blue pants, a wolf mask adorned his face with gold details. Hidden underneath, under his sleeve or maybe in his boot, were three daggers.

The group of heroes walked in the library and the Flash told them to 'make yourselves at home' which they took very seriously, lounging on the chairs. All except Speedy, Green Arrow's apprentice.

Renner stayed leaning against the wall not far off from where the Justice League stood. "Quick debrief of the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day, we shouldn't be long" Batman explained. They went to leave but Speedy interrupted.

"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass" He growled.

Aquaman replied "It's a first step, you've been granted access not many others get." Speedy didn't take long to reply, "Oh really? Who cares which side the glass we're on" He gestured to the crowd of people in the gallery up top. He made a point there.

"Roy, you just need to be patient-" Green Arrow was cut off "What I need is respect, they've treated us like kids! Worse, like sidekicks! We deserve better than this" He watched as the small group of teens only looked around saying nothing in response.

"You're kidding right? Playing their game, Why? Today was supposed to be The Day, step one in becoming full fledged members of the league" He explained. "Well, sure, but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ" Kid Flash responded hesitantly.

"Except the Hall isn't the leagues real HQ" This wasn't news to Renner, he had heard of the Watchtower and began to tune out the conversation, finding it a little boring. Speedy threw his hat on the ground and left, leaving Renner to stifle a small laugh.

He jumped, though, when a alarm went off. Superman showed up on screen, explaining of a small fire at project CADMUS. Batman spoke of his suspicions but was interrupted again by Giovanni Zatara, who instead spoke about some rando blocking out the sun. Renner rolled his eyes.

The rest of the League left, Batman lingering for a moment "Consider your debt gone, but the League will help if you need it, Anemoi." The group of teens walked up "Stay put" Batman instructed, to which his apprentice Robin protested.

'This is a League mission' 'You're not trained' Typical excuses, Renner thought. They protested some more but it lead to nothing, they still left the teens.

"Tch, 'When we're ready'? How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like.. like sidekicks!" Kid Flash complained. "My mentor, my King, I thought he trusted me.." Aqualad added "Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics! Like they've got a secret HQ in space!" Kid Flash exclaimed. "What else aren't they telling us?."

"I have a better question. Why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Robin asked. There was a moment of silence before Aqualad spoke up, "What is Project CADMUS?" He questioned. "Don't know, but I can find out" Robin smirked and turned to Renner.

"What's your name?" Robin asked Renner, who felt incredibly sarcastic. "Oh, I don't know, what's yours, Mini-Batman?" Robin frowned at the response "It's Robin, actually" He retorted. "Anemoi" Renner said reluctantly.

"What do you know about CADMUS, Anemoi?" Robin asked. Renner knew a bit about it from his time spent helping Batman. "Its a random genetics lab here in DC, I doubt you'll find anything there besides that fire" He crossed his arms and stared down at the shorter boy.

"But, if Batman's suspicious, then maybe we should investigate" He responded. "Solve their case before they do, it would be poetic justice" Aqualad spoke, monotone. "Hey, they're all about justice" Robin tried to persuade him "But they said stay put" Aqualad reasoned "For the blotting out the sun mission, not this" He remarked.

"Wait, are you going to CADMUS? Cause if you're going, I'm going" Kid Flash said excitedly. Aqualad looked a little defeated "Just like that, we're a team" He said. "Lovely work guys, if you get in trouble, it's not my fault" Renner tried to leave but was held back, a strong arm pulling him back by his waist.

"No, you come with us"

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