𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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*I may or may not have botched the copy and pasting of the first part of this chapter and completely skipped it. I made this two chapters in one because I had only noticed it after I finished putting all eighteen  chapters in and I'm not going through all that again so, sorry this one's so long?

"The subject is not up for debate" The fake Red Tornado dismissed Robin, prompting the team to leave the area. Since M'gann couldn't actually create tornadoes, Renner was the one creating them. It wasn't particularly his strong suit but they were believable.

When she revealed herself, it was their time to show up. Superboy punched giant holes into Twister and threw him to the ocean, where Aqualad did his part. Renner took him out of the water using a tornado, which was now a new skill that he was working on.

M'gann ripped the arms off of Twister and Robin threw charges, furthering the damage done. It opened and a man fell out "Foul, I-I call foul" He pleaded but M'gann picked a rock from the ground and dropped it on the man, everybody yelling in protest.

"'Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on earth we don't execute our captives!" Robin yelled. "You said you trust me" M'gann pulled the rock up to reveal the broken body of a crushed android, which in Renner's opinion looked horrifying.

"That's why I couldn't read his mind" M'gann explained, all the while Wally picked up an eyeball and claimed it as a souvenir. The team assured M'gann they were happy that she was on the team, which was much needed after the argument earlier.

Back at the cave, the team stood around a table holding the remaining parts of Mr. Twister. "It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you" Aqualad spoke, Red Tornado agreed "Is that why you wouldn't help us?" M'gann asked. "No, this was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you, nor should you solve mine for me" He dismissed.

To that, Red Tornado started to leave and Robin made a comment about him being a heartless machine, which he retaliated saying he did, and had great hearing. "Great job man, smooth" Renner patted Robin's shoulder reassuringly, holding back a smirk.

"Speedy was so wrong, this team thing, might just work out"


"Ready for training?" Renner jumped, hearing the unfamiliar voice of Black Canary, who was one of the many League members he hadn't become familiar with. He had only really worked with Batman and Flash, who had occasionally teamed up with the former. Renner couldn't bear to be around Superman.

Renner was pulled along with Robin to the training circle that gave points to team members. Renner would occasionally spar with Robin to keep his hand-to-hand combat in check. "We have a new member?" Renner nodded, the strings of his new mask resting on his shoulders.

"Why don't you start?" She asked, getting Renner to come up on stage while the rest of the team stood along the edge. "An audience to watch me fail, lovely" He commented, walking on the white screen.

"Is this just hand-to-hand or can we use powers?" Renner asked "Depends, name?" Black Canary was vague in the answer "Anemoi, and I'm elemental, I control air" He explained. "Let's try without first" She replied, getting into a basic form.

Renner made the first move, going to fake a punch to take her legs out from under her, but she seemed to have anticipated that or at least was ready for it, leaving him to resort to defence as she tried to get some punches in. She ended her flurry of punches with a kick to the chest, which Renner was unable to block, stumbling back.

He regained balance and they circled each other for a moment, Black Canary making the first move this time. She ran at him, and Renner was unsure of what she was trying so at the last moment, he ducked. She was obviously not expecting him to do so, and stumbled over him.

High School Sweethearts : BO1 : Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now