𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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Shortly after the two archer's fight, they were leaving, piling into the bioship. "Is my mask really that creepy?" Renner asked Robin quietly, whispering so hopefully no one else would hear. "As much I would want to see what's underneath again, no, it's just surprising to see which can be good, actually."

Renner nodded with a wide smile, laughing almost nervously, "Thank you, I'm pretty insecure, aren't I.." He ran a hand through his hair. "A little, but that's fine, I like encouraging you" Robin replied with a grin, which made Renner almost speechless, "You make it hard not to kiss you" Renner said, jaw still practically on the floor.


"Everyone online?" Renner jumped at the sound of M'gann's voice in his head, "Merde! Ne fait pas ça!" Renner cursed, catching himself and switching languages, "I hope that didn't translate, sorry" Renner apologized, playing with a dagger he pulled from a random pocket. "Oh.. this is weird-" "And distracting" The Doctor groaned.

"Et tellement- ..Anglais, Anglais. And it's so invasive!" Renner complained, thinking about the last time he dealt with a telepath. "Last time I did this, the guy was trying to torture me into talking about Batman" Renner shuddered, "Not the ideal week.. I mean- uh" Renner fell silent and offered no explanation.

The team offered no conversation afterwards either, making him all the more nervous.

Renner was stationed inside the room with Aqualad and Artemis, who, with only a few glances, decided to join M'gann and Superboy in watching the perimeter. "The virus won't be much use if we cannot find the weapon, can you track it?" Aqualad asked.

"My utility fog is not a weapon, it's science, brilliant science, and of course I can track it. But, I would have to go online" She replied, "Might as well rent a billboard with this address and assassinate me written in neon" She explained with a frown, concerned for her safety.

"We will protect you" With that particularly 50/50 promise, the doctor got to tracking the Fog. After a few minutes of normal, though slightly unnerving, silence, Artemis said something about Superboy that made Renner extremely uncomfortable, "He can hear you, we can all hear you" M'gann told her, to which Artemis wasn't surprised nor opposed.

"Miss Martian, Dr. Roquette has located the Fog. Reconfigure the Bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue" Aqualad instructed, disappointing Renner a little, but he brushed it off.

Renner was playing with runes from his pocket, one meaning flow and water, the other strength and power. He kept them on him now after he lost his power fighting the monkeys. "What are those?" The voice belonged to Aqualad, "Nordic Runes, they give me power when I need it, motivation and everything" Renner smiled, as he had noticed a difference in his fighting when having them.

Suddenly, the door opened and a shuriken flew out, Aqualad jumping in the way before Renner could react. "Doctor get down!" He shouted, while Renner quickly shoved the runes into his pocket and got ready to block any more blades. A woman ran in, throwing blades at the two men. Renner blocked them with his powers, a stinging pain erupting where one managed to imbed itself into his arm.

"Mhm, that had to hurt" She commented, "Atlantean skin is quite dense" Aqualad spoke, "My skin is pretty thick, too" Renner managed, gritting his teeth a little as he pulled it out to continue fighting.

Suddenly, Renner was feeling nauseous and having trouble breathing, swaying slightly "And my shuriken are quite poisoned" Renner couldn't even respond before he was on the ground, out cold.


Renner woke up to a rocky room, slightly confused as he was just fighting a random woman in a weirder mask than his own. He looked around to realize it was his room in the mountain, with a large carpet that covered a few inches of space from under his bed, and a desk that he never really used.

He got up and changed into a black button up that he hardly bothered to button, doing a few before groaning in frustration and pulling on a light white over coat and lined dress pants, belt slipping through the loops easily. He slipped on some necklaces and pulled on his gold accented wolf mask he wore to the Hall when all of this started.

He walked out of the room into a familiar long hallway that he reluctantly walked down. It opened up into the main room where everyone was. Renner walked up to the small group of people watching Superboy and Aqualad fight, he took his place next to Wally. "Hey, man" Renner groaned, still pretty sleepy and now full of disappointment because Robin wasn't here.

"Whoa! You're awake! Uh, Robin isn't here right now, but I'm sure he'll turn up. You were out for days, he was getting really worried, kept checking on you, Batman too" Wally explained, smiling widely. Renner jumped as Superboy threw Aqualad into the floor.

"Really?" Renner asked, laughing at himself, "Yeah, you picked the right guy to be you're boy-" Wally was cut off when Red Tornado entered the room. He sped off to ask him a question, leaving Renner to follow at a normal speed.

"Do you have a mission for us?" Wally asked, as Renner guessed they hadn't been given anything since he had been out. "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility" Red Tornado responded.

"Yeah, well, the Batman's with the Robin doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham, but you're headed somewhere right?" Renner decided to not listen to anything else he was saying, swiftly leaving with the new information.

Technically, it wasn't really a mission Renner was skipping out on and Robin wasn't there either. He was sure the team would be fine if Red Tornado gave them a mission and he had some personal stuff to take care of anyways, since he had missed out on the test to get into Gotham Academy and the deadlines to apply for a school.

All the while, he was now legally a student, so lucky him. Because of this, he wanted to check his P.O. box and also go see Justine while in Gotham, and he wouldn't admit it but he was hoping to see Robin or Batman to tell them he was awake.

He stepped out of the zeta tube and into Gotham now, deciding to keep his mask on since he would hopefully be talking to Robin and also possibly fighting criminals. It was late at night, cold starting to creep in Renner's bones, but he powered through, sort of. He eventually reached the post office and opened the door, sighing at the surprising warmth inside.

He walked up to the counter and offered a warm smile, realizing the mailman couldn't see it. "I'm here for my P.O. box, just to collect anything inside it, please?" He asked kindly, pulling out a fake ID that he used to make it. Quickly, the mailman got all the mail addressed to him without even asking for him to take his mask off.

He handed him a letter and a package. Renner was surprised to get anything so he thanked the mailman and left, shoving the two items under his arm and scaling a wall, happily sitting down on the edge of the building and swinging his feel a little. He shouted loudly, laughing in shock and unable to stop smiling when he opened the package and letter.

"Hello?" He flinched at the familiar voice behind him.

Renner stood up quickly and turned "Robin?" He asked, smiling so much it started to hurt. "Renner!" Robin exclaimed, surprised to see him but reacting warmly with a smile, hugging him tightly. Renner pulled his mask up so it was out of the way and kissed Robin, "Thank you for visiting me, Robin" Renner said.

Robin was suddenly thankful for the low light, so Renner wouldn't see his blush "Wally told you?" He asked, since Wally was the only person to have seen him visit Renner, having caught him once or twice.

"Yeah.. but it's fine, he already sorta knew" Renner replied, Robin kissing him again because now he finally could. "I got really scared when you didn't wake up after a few hours.." Robin sighed, "Sorry you missed the test, but I, uh, may have bribed a few people so you're in" Robin revealed. "I just saw the letter, thank you so much! I can't believe I'm in Gotham Academy!"

"Did you really bribe people though?" "...Maybe"

Robin felt a little bad lying about doing something like that, since he had just told Batman about how he wanted to go to the school and how great he had done while they were studying and he had gotten him a place in the school, either way though, Renner deserved to go there.

High School Sweethearts : BO1 : Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now