𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Renner was back at the mountain, watching as Wally fought Kaldur in Table Hockey. Renner watched with Robin and M'gann, standing next to Robin hoping to ask him about where he goes to school. He was about his age and the only person he could ask as M'gann and Superboy hadn't been enrolled yet, Kaldur went to school in Atlantis, and Wally went to school in Happy Harbor where Renner definitely wasn't going. It wasn't on his list, so not approved by Justine.

"Hey, Robin" Renner asked quietly, turning his head slightly to address him "Do you go to any of these schools?" Renner handed the shorter boy the list of schools. He read the list over and nodded "Yeah, Gotham Academy. The rest are all great too, are you changing schools?" Robin asked "I'm just applying, I've never actually been in-school before, I had a friend register me as a student yesterday" Renner confessed.

Robin was surprised to hear that "Really? And you're going to apply for these schools?" He exclaimed. "I started studying basic math and history at six and restudied English when I was ten.. I'm sure I'll be fine, I mean that's like... average, right?" Renner spoke confidently until realizing that maybe this wasn't the usual curriculum for the average American.

Robin thought for a moment, going silent and taking in this information. Renner had a more interesting past then previously thought, starting basic math and history at the age of six and relearning English? Robin was curious as to what his first language was. "It should work out fine then, if you apply for Gotham Academy you could probably get by doing the test that comes up in a week, it'll all be free then if you do the best. They mostly focus on math and strategy in it."

"If it helps at all, if you get in, I could probably help you steer clear of all the kids that would probably just try a take advantage of you" Renner noted that Robin was steadily trying to make him apply for his school. "Fine, I'll apply for Gotham, you didn't have to persuade me anyways, I'm handing in applications for half of these schools."

"Is that why you've been a little distant lately? I know applying for school can be stressful but I could have easily pointed you to Gotham Academy" Robin's face flushed in embarrassment as this is exactly what he didn't want to do and a main reason why he held off of talking to Renner. He was always so nervous around him, and it had been a month since he met him at CADMUS! Robin needed to figure himself out.

"Uhm.. yeah.. sorta" Renner confessed, he didn't think that Robin had noticed his change in demeanour. 'Sorta' implied that there was another reason, because there was. Renner had been through crushes before, silly things that lasted a day or two, but this time it's lasted for the month that Renner has known Robin. A month since he fell for him, since the way he looked at him changed to more than just interest.

"Maybe you can help me study for the test if you want to spend more time together" Renner said, smirking.

Robin was about to respond with something that totally wasn't a flat out 'Yes' that would instantly out his crush on him, when Superboy arrived back at the mountain. "Hi, Superboy, how was Metropolis?" M'gann tried to ask, but Superboy didn't respond, only walking through the holographic Table Hockey table that Wally and Kaldur were playing on.

Before they could get back to it, Black Canary and Red Tornado arrived "Ready for training, everyone?" She asked. "Black Canary, Uncle J'onn!" M'gann exclaimed, hugging the Martian Manhunter. As the two Martians caught up, Superboy finally started to walk down the hall. "Stick around. Class is in session" Black Canary spoke, making Superboy turn with a frown. She stepped into the middle of the training circle and it lit up.

"I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I learnt from my own mentor and my own bruises" She winced, pulling off her jacket to reveal a bandage. "What happened?" M'gann asked worriedly, "The job. Now, combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, not reacting. I'll need a sparring partner" She explained.

Black Canary looked at Renner as she asked for a sparring partner but Wally had already volunteered. He finished eating and they started their fight, which ended quickly and left Wally on the floor. "Good block, but did anyone see what he did wrong?" She asked, helping Wally up from the floor. "Ooh, he hit on teacher and got served?" Robin replied, raising his hand. "Dude!" Wally exclaimed in protest, but Canary brushed off the suggestion.

"He allowed me to dictate the terms of-" She was cut off by Superboy. "Oh, please, with my powers the battle's always on my terms" He spoke, annoyed. Renner rolled his eyes at the suggestion, she's still better at fighting than you, idiot He thought with a frown, showing his distaste.

Due to this, Renner missed most of the conversation and watched as Superboy lost the fight, as predicted, in about two seconds. Robin laughed but Kaldur shut him up, prompting Renner to stifle a small laugh at their antics. "You're angry, good, but don't react" Black Canary spoke, though it only made Superboy more angry, Renner realized that as he ran at Canary, but she knocked him down. "That's it, I'm done" He said.

"But training's mandatory-" Canary tried to argue. "Almost as mandatory as living here" Renner grumbled to himself, not expecting the entire team to hear him. Batman interrupted anything else that could happen though, speaking of a new mission.

"Five hours ago a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary - a picture came up on screen - The attacker was capable of studying, then duplicating the powers and abilities of it's opponents. Arrow called for reinforcements, which nearly proved to be disastrous as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant" Batman explained, showing a video of Superman getting thrown away by the robot.

"Whoa.. one guy with the powers of the entire League?" Wally asked rhetorically, surprised by the video feed. "In the end, it took eight leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android" He finished. "Wait-? Android? Who made it, T. O. Morrow?" Robin asked, "Good guess, Robin, but Red Tornado doesn't think so."

"The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo" Martian Manhunter spoke in turn of Batman. "Ivo? But Ivo's dead?" Aqualad said, though his tone was unsure of himself, "So we thought, or hoped" Black Canary replied. "To make sure this threat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to STAR Lab facilities" Batman finally got to the part with the team's mission.

"The facilities are located in Boston and New York" On the screen, there was a map with the truck's path on it "Every precaution is being taken, we'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone tries to recover the remains. You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the trucks" He explained the mission further.

"Yes! Road trip!" Wally exclaimed. Superboy made a rude comment and Renner rolled his eyes again. After receiving coordinates to the trucks, the Young Justice team made their way to the Bioship, where they took off. "So, what grade are you going into? The test changes with your age" Robin explained to Renner in a hushed tone, so no one else would overhear them.

"Well, Justine put in that I was seventeen so I guess I'm seventeen, so I'm going in grade twelve" Renner explained to Robin. He nodded, thinking of what the test could be "Okay, I'll have you look at some of my books since I'll be a year under you, so you can understand the expected knowledge, then we'll start looking at advanced stuff" Robin said, thinking over the plan again.

"Yeah, it's in a week though, will we have enough time to do that? And does it also pay for my books? Because I don't have the money for that" Renner asked, a question he'd had for a while. "It pays for everything, don't worry, the Wayne Foundation is pretty generous when it comes to children" Robin replied, hoping to stop Renner's worrying.

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