𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Alright, our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island" Kaldur got right to work as leader "Funny, I had the same thought" Robin commented, to which Renner laughed. Kaldur hatched a plan and they were setting it into motion, now, the only thing keeping them back was the cave-in they were stuck in.

They started their course down the rest of the tunnel.

"Sportsmaster's the supplier/buyer but it still doesn't track, he doesn't have the juice to acquire the blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work!" Robin explained as they ran "And neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with venom. That took major nerdage" Renner cringed at the word.

"I believe the expression is 'tip of the iceberg'" Aqualad spoke. They came up to the end of the tunnel and Bane stood in their way, coming out of nowhere.

"Halt, ninos" He spoke, dropping something and revealing a trigger "I'm feeling explosive," He said grimly, prompting Renner to look up and see charges placed above them. "You betrayed us. Why?" Aqualad spoke calmly.

"I want my factory back-" Aqualad spoke to Kid Flash through the mind link "-So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying. If the latter, the Justice League would certainly come to avenge their sidekicks" He explained.

"And when the smoke cleared, Santa Prisca would be mine once more" Renner rolled his eyes, thinking that 'This guy does not stop talking about himself, does he?'

"Blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect" At that, Kid Flash ran by, stealing the trigger before he could pull it, leaving Bane confused. "With what? This Trigger thingy?" Bane screamed and made a run at him, but Renner and M'gann protected him, M'gann pulling him back while Renner made his fist hit a solid wall rather than KF.

M'gann dropped him onto Superboy, who landed a hard punch that knocked him out for good.

At the pickup site, Kid Flash made the first move, knocking out some cultists. Superboy distracted the monster man so Aqualad could push him back with water, leaving Superboy free to distract Sportsmaster. M'gann, camouflaged, flew into the helicopter silently to extract the venom, but Sportsmaster saw through her disguise.

He caught her in a headlock, but Renner was distracted with his own fight. He was helping Robin fight Kobra. "I know you hate getting your hands dirty," Robin said, smirking "True, but sometimes even a god must stop to conquer" He spoke way too highly of himself. It ticked Renner off.

"You shouldn't have said that" Robin commented, working with Renner to try and get the guy out, they barely failed. Robin was pinned under Kobra, leaving Renner to try and push him off "I am plagued by mosquitoes" He spoke, annoyed.

"Good! 'Cause this mosquito's mighty concerted over your pain!" Renner used a strong push of wind, making the infinitely taller man stumble back just a bit. He had been training. The two men retreated to join their group, making Kobra rethink his actions.

He decided to just sink into the brush, hiding in the shadows of the forest.

"We picked the right guy to lead," Robin said, walking up to Aqualad. "Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman" Robin extended his arms, referring to the factory in a blaze in front of them. Renner could only laugh at the remark.

Back at the cave, Batman wasn't happy at all. "A simple recon mission, observe and report" He spoke to the team, who were gathered in a line. "You'll each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. Until then, good job" That surprised the team.

"No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success" Batman explained, "And how you choose who leads determines your character." With that, he left the team to do whatever they wanted.

Renner went to change, slightly uncomfortable in black clothing. He knew he looked fine in the black suit but again still, was uncomfortable, feeling as though he was asking for evil spirits to swarm him. His mood was damp, his clothes were dark and full of mud, and his first mission went sideways. Don't blame him for thinking as such.

He made his way to his bedroom and unbuttoned his shirt, having taken off the jacket. Renner took off the fancy (Now partly ripped) button-up and threw it in the clothes bin.

The scars on his arms were apparent now, he got them fighting on the streets of Gotham. He usually had bandages over them, just in case, but today he decided he would be okay in the dark. Since he was changing again and would be wearing white, he would put them back. Also, the scars were irritated and itched, proving to be difficult to fight with. They were hypertrophic scars.

As he was reapplying the white strips of bandage to try and diminish the amount of irritation and pain, Robin decided to enter. "Hey- oh! Uhm.. d-did you hurt yourself?" Robin questioned with a slightly red face.

Renner looked up, temporarily stopping his actions "No, don't worry" He didn't bother with an explanation, looking back down to work. "You're putting them on wrong.." Robin spoke hesitantly, obviously a little nervous to be looking at the shirtless man.

"You want to do it?" Renner asked, motioning the roll of bandages towards Robin. Robin took it, unravelling the poorly applied strips on Renner's arm and replacing them with a more well-done job. He told himself he would do this for anyone, and maybe he would, but there was something different. He did it without hesitation, where he would say to 'get better at it, he said nothing, focusing on making the wrap actually work.

"Do you need the other arm too?" He asked Renner, looking at the red scars covering the arm in question. "... Yes, thank you.." Renner watched as Robin carefully did his left arm too, finishing it off with a small piece of medical tape.

Renner thanked Robin again, putting the roll of bandages back into its place in the first-aid box. "If you don't mind... where did you get the scars?" Robin asked curiously, though not wanting to upset Renner.

"I got them, uhm, fighting, in Gotham. It's how I met Batman, actually, but I stayed clear of his apprentice" Renner nudged Robin with a smile "I was careless, while fighting at least, and I got cut up badly, but obviously I survived" His smile faded and he fell silent "The rest of my time was spent way too on edge, and I felt really.. badly of myself."

"I spent a lot of time alone and didn't trust anyone. In turn, my, uh, wounds didn't get much medical attention and turned out to be scars. They're about eight months old, at the least" Renner started hesitantly but spoke openly, finally having someone to vent to about something he's been thinking about for very long.

"Thank you for... listening.. sorry to just drop all that on you, oversharing is a real problem of mine..." Renner tried to change the subject a little, though unsuccessful. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.." Robin understood the seriousness of the situation, also understanding Renner and Batman's relationship a bit more. "Thank you for not freaking out or something," Renner said in return.

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