𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Renner! Wake up, please.." Renner groaned, head tilted slightly and leaning on a hard substance. When he opened his eyes, he groaned louder at the sight of the entire League in front of him and the empty, excruciating pain in his chest. "I need my runes, and maybe my boyfriend" He spoke, voice grating against his dry throat.

"What happened?" Renner asked, realizing his right arm was free. "We were hoping you could free yourself with your powers now that your arm is free" Robin said, voice low when he muttered 'I'm here'. "It'll probably explode, just so you know" Renner explained, taking in the new information and realizing his powers were back.

Robin took a few steps back, letting Renner do whatever he need. When he was freed, he was correct when saying it would explode, the rock pieces flew from him and while people dove for cover, he tried to stop them.

The most of them hit an invisible wall, curtesy of Renner and Miss Martian, while the rest, smaller insignificant pieces, imbed themselves in the wall. "Sorry" Renner apologized. "What happened here?" Superman asked, "What happened? The Reds happened! Red Tornado and his- his family! They almost killed everyone!" Renner exclaimed "Red Tornado has been officially removed from being Parent Three" He growled.

"Wait. Where are they?" Artemis asked, looking around. "Gone. All three of them, gone" Robin answered gravelly.


The next day, the League came by again to restore power and ask some questions, having the team sit around a table so they could speak.

"Thanks but no thanks..." Wally sighed, declining Green Arrow's offer of pretzels. "Yeah, what we want are answers, about Red Tornado and his siblings" Robin argued, though Renner found it pointless, the League could be pretty stubborn. Green Arrow tried to take the bowl away, to put it back, but KF took it back, leaving Renner to stifle a laugh.

Though, when Renner noticed Black Canary walk up, he stopped and inched away slightly, relaxing the best he could when a comforting hand on his. All that was demolished though, Renner tensing up again when Superboy yelled.

"You knew?" He accused, attacking Aqualad, "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!" He continued, M'gann leaving the table to try and ask him what was going on. "Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" Superboy yelled. Everyone got up at that, "You knew?" Robin asked, quickly followed by Wally, "And you did nothing?"

Though Renner felt equally betrayed, he had almost lost his family and his own life because of this, he knew that he would probably do the same.

"I sought to protect the team from-" Kaldur was cut off by Artemis, "Protect us from what?" She asked, tone aggravated, "Knowledge that might of saved our lives?" She asked further. "Enough" Batman called, silencing everyone "With Red Tornado.. missing, the team with now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys" Captain Marvel commented. No one replied, Superboy going to give an empty threat to Aqualad before he was interrupted by Batman.

"I have another assignment for this team" Batman said, showing articles telling of crazy gorilla attacks. "Gotham mayor attacked by Guerilla Gorilla?" Wally asked, incredulous, "Was this the only thing he could find to distract us?" Superboy asked through their mind link.

"Batman, please! Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape case" Robin pleaded. "I never joke about a mission" He responded seriously, making Renner flinch slightly. "I've checked the sources, I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents."

"Aqualad, you and your team will depart from India and check this out" Batman instructed.

From there, Renner changed and the team left to the Bioship, which would take them to India. "You're coming with?" Robin asked Captain Marvel as he made his way on board too, "Yeah, we'll have a blast" He exclaimed, smiling brightly.

Renner had made sure to bring his rune stones with him now, everywhere he went they came with him. Now, seated in the Bioship, he played with them, thinking of their meanings and names. Renner hadn't realized he was talking out loud because of how focused he was on it, so it came as a surprise when Superboy told him to stop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking.." Renner apologized. "What are they for?" Captain Marvel asked, gesturing to the stones. "Their names are Laguz and Üruz, they're Elder Futhark, they give me the power I need" Renner explained quietly.

Captain Marvel looked awed and glanced down at them again before talking to someone else.


Though it took a while, they had finally reached India by nighttime, Robin and Artemis going ahead to scout the area. "All clear" Robin informed, the rest of the team landing and leaving the ship. "Switch to stealth" Aqualad instructed, making Renner look down to his clothes, which consisted of an all black three piece suit, gloves, and a skull mask.

"And we'll review mission parameters" Aqualad explained. "Parameters? We don't need no parameters" KF retaliated, "Yeah, it's recon, we know what to do" Robin pushed his point. "Kid, Robin..." They turned with angry frowns.

"The four of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us" Rovin retaliated, Wally adding his own comment, both leaving. As much as Renner wanted to follow, he wasn't on their side with this, feeling a little bad about how they were acting towards Kaldur.

M'gann had a small argument with Superboy and left with Artemis, Superboy jumping away soon after insulting Kaldur's authority on the team. "Uhm, did I miss the part where you actually said what the plan was?" Captain Marvel asked.

"The team's just being petty, now, I think we should go this way, it's uhm, where everyone else didn't go" Kaldur nodded and took the lead. "Thank you for not lashing out at me, Anemoi, it is very much appreciated" Kaldur commented, "It's nothing, I blame the attack on the attackers, not the guy who thought there could only possibly be a mole" Renner explained.

The trio came up on a spot with claw marks and tracks, an obvious disturbance to the soil. "I guess this is where Mayor Hill's monkey business went down. So, at least we confirmed his story right?" Captain Marvel joked, but to no avail as Renner thought it was funny, so he was trying to hold back, and Kaldur just didn't respond.

"My apologies, Captain, I am... plagued by doubts" Kaldur revealed, "Perhaps I was wrong to withhold" Before either men could respond, there was a rustling in the bushes around them, the ground starting to shake.

"Guys..." Renner gasped, a large elephant breaking through the tree line in front of him. He dove out of the way and watched as it came for him again. Fighting elephants wasn't one of his strong suits, nor a thing he had done before, and let's just say it didn't come naturally to him. There were only two, so the Captain took one while Renner helped Aqualad.

"Push it right with your wind!" Aqualad yelled, making Renner rush to comply, watching as he used the added momentum to use his whip on the elephant's neck. The creature blinked and walked away, seemingly docile again.

"Remove the collar!" Aqualad shouted to Captain Marvel, who was making the creature run in circles. The collar on that one was successfully removed, leaving it to walk off with it's friend. "Pretty sweet the way you figured out the problem was the collars" Captain Marvel praised, landing next to the pair.

"But the collars indicate intelligence behind this attack" Aqualad explained.

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