𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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After a few moments sitting on the edge of a bathtub, Robin stood up, complaining that it was going to be the only time that he bends down to kiss Renner since he was so much taller than him. Renner laughed with a smile "I'll get you a stepladder" Renner joked, moving into his bedroom to look into his closet, replacing the mask he was wearing with his fox mask.

He also took out some clothing, a white blouse and brown trousers that reached to the middle of his shin, laying them on his bed.

"I'll be two minutes, you can leave if you want to do something else. I was thinking we could start studying for that test.. It's already been two days, so we have five more to go" Robin nodded "We could start, but I have a feeling you would do fine either way" Robin was thinking of when he told him he had started math and history at six, which was a year early.

Robin was sure he would do fine, but knew that a little help would help make him actually get in since it was only the top three students that got in.

Renner changed into the new clothes quickly and opened the door. Seeing Robin still standing there, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relived to see that he hadn't left after all. Renner didn't know what he was expecting, since Robin had told him he was going to stay and wait because they were going to be studying.

"So, we're starting by looking through your books for next year, right?" Renner confirmed, Robin nodded in reply. "I'm assuming those are at your house, because I doubt you would leave them here" Renner relayed his thoughts, crossing his arms and watching as Robin realized that he would have to pick them up first.

"Yeah... sorry" He rubbed his neck sheepishly and offered to zeta to his home and pick them up. Renner thought of offering help but realized that he would obviously decline because of his secret identity. "Be quick, we only have five days and I don't know how many days I'll have to put off because of missions" Renner groaned just thinking about it.

"Maybe we can talk about things a little more too, while we have time alone" Renner said, voice lowered slightly despite the absence of anyone else in the room. "Y-yeah, of course" Robin stuttered, "I'll only be few minutes!" He walked towards the zeta and left, leaving Renner alone to spend the next few minutes doing.. what? Maybe he could start organizing his masks, but Robin said he would only be a few minutes.

"What was that about?" Wally came out of nowhere, eating a granola bar and resting his arm on Renner's shoulder casually despite their height difference being in Renner's favor. "It was, uh, nothing" Renner offered no explanation and decided he would start organizing his masks.

Wally followed him, though, to his room to ask more questions. "Are you sure it was nothing? 'Maybe we can talk about things a little more' did he steal your girl or something?" Wally asked, laughing as it was a joke. Renner didn't reply, stifling a laugh as it was quite the opposite, "Wait. Did he?" Wally asked, sounding shocked as he drew conclusions.

"Wally. I'm not even attracted to girls" Renner turned from what he was doing, deadpanned. Walled was shocked to hear that from Renner "But you could catch so many babes with your good looks! I mean- ..I- from what I've seen" He reasoned. "It's not really my choice, Wally" Renner said, a little uncomfortable, "Yeah, I guess it isn't.."

Renner was extremely relieved to hear Wally say that, relaxing slightly. "Thanks for not yelling at me or something.." Wally was appalled to hear that, immediately asking why someone would yell at him. "It's like people rioting against mutants, except it's because I like someone of the same gender. It sounds pretty stupid, I know, but people like that exist" Renner explained.

"I remember hearing of stuff like that... it's disturbing" This was probably the first time Renner had seen Wally serious, and Renner was glad to have a little chat with him about the issue, but now Robin stood outside his door with a knowing smile. Renner politely told Wally that Robin and him were studying for an upcoming test to get into Gotham Academy and wanted time to themselves, making Wally smile and leave.

"You might of just blown any secrecy we would have had, you know" Robin said once the door was closed. "Eh, who knows, maybe we don't have anything" Renner said casually with a smirk, watching as Robin huffed.

"You're sure? 'Cause when we kissed, I thought you had a different answer, Renner" Renner hadn't heard anyone call him that in a while and it felt nice to hear it again. "Well- okay, maybe I was teasing you" He confessed, smiling, "Well, whatever we have here, I want to continue with it, instead of it just being a kiss to crush the crush. We both know that won't work" Robin said.

Robin made a point, Renner's already long lasting crush would just last longer if he decided to end things before they've even started. He didn't want that, he concluded, since he saw him almost everyday for training, missions, and team stuff, it just be an unnecessary torture. "I know, I want to keep it too, but I don't think I'd be ready for anything 'public', you know?" Renner said, a little nervous.

"I get it, I don't think I would be ready either. It's probably obvious, but I'm not usually with a guy.." Robin wasn't as... experienced, for lack of better word, and still wanted to get used to it. It wasn't that he was nervous about coming out to dad though, he told himself, totally isn't.

"Well, I think we can figure it out more along the way, because right now we're studying" Renner said, gesturing to the large books in Robin's hands. "Right."


After about two hours, they had made through a dozen chapters in the three books that Robin had brought. Robin was surprised at how much of it Renner had already known, leaving them to get through it easily.

"Where did you learn about this stuff if you've never gone to school, I remember you said you started at six, but how?" Robin asked, piling the books back together. "I had a friend, she didn't really speak English too well, but I helped her with stuff that I could and she taught me her language. I can only speak it though" Renner explained, "She was kind to bring me in, even if she was going through a tough time" Renner thought about the day she brought him in.

He was five at the time, he believed, and Justine was thirty-five at the time and going through losing her legs. Renner didn't know why she had lost them, but she was devastated because of it. She always said that she only made it through that year because of Renner.

"Who was she? What language did she teach you?" Robin had suspected that the language was French due to his surprisingly strong accent. "Her name is Justine, she taught me French. I was around five when she took me in so it took in the new language pretty easily and I actually find English harder to speak."

Robin found that pretty impressive, considering that Renner spoke English fine. "When I met Batman, I used google translate a lot. Eventually I started to remember a few words and get used to the language again" Renner explained, leaving Robin astonished at the life he's lived so far in just sixteen years.

"I left Justine a few years ago when I was fourteen because I felt like a burden on her... She said I wasn't but helped me pack regardless. She was so nice. A lot of my fighting techniques come from her too, she was well versed in many different topics" Renner said, thinking of his days in training.

"Sounds like you had a really eventful few years" Robin spoke, a little surprised to hear all that. Renner laughed "Yeah, it was pretty crazy looking back on it."

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