𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor power plant" Red Tornado spoke, giving the team something to do "I suggest you investigate covertly, I'm sending you coordinates" He added.

"Received, adjusting course" Miss Martian said, Renner feeling the ship move at an odd angle, probably turning. "Tch, Tornado's keeping us busy again" Robin commented "Well, a simple fire led you to Superboy" M'gann remarked "We should find out what caused the alert."

"I think I know the cause" Superboy said, looking out the window to see a tornado heading for the ship. Renner tried to use his power over the air to try and reverse the twister, but he wasn't fast enough to stop it, leaving them to go spinning.

M'gann got the ship out and landed it, opening the doors so the group could get out and try to fight. Robin, similar to the week before at CADMUS, disappeared, taking Renner with him.

They broke into the power plant and Renner saw Robin get pushed into the wall roughly. "You want to try?" The enemy in this situation was very similar to Red Tornado and Renner had his work cut out for him, pushing walls of air against it but in the end, one good strike and he was out with Robin.

"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked rhetorically "I didn't catch his name but he plays kinda rough!" Robin answered sarcastically. "My Apologies! You may address me as Mr. Twister!" Now proclaimed Mr Twister spoke loudly. He created two miniature tornadoes to knock down Superboy, him getting thrown into a wall.

As Robin was helping Renner up, the remaining three who hadn't countered Mr. Twister went for him. Kid Flash got a good hit to his chest but it did nothing, Twister sending him out the window. Miss Martian and Aqualad were both knocked out easily by a strong gust of wind.

"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero! I was not, however, expecting children!" Mr. Twister sounded appalled, and insulted. "We're not children!" Robin threw two explosives at Twister and Renner tried to help them along to meet their target but it seemed Twister was just a little more powerful than him, pushing them away easily.

"Objectively you are. Have you no adult supervision? I find presence here quite disturbing" Twister spoke, making Renner feel a little insulted, from what he's gone through he has well over the life experience of an adult.

"Well! We hate to see you disturbed! Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!" Robin yelled at Twister, the rest of the team having recovered and was backing him up. M'gann broke a machine on top of him, sending rushing chemicals overhead, while Superboy jumped up to try and surprise him. He only pushed him away.

Superboy's body knocked M'gann out of the sky, leaving it to Aqualad and Robin to try. They were only caught up in small whirlwinds, getting pushed together roughly, then hitting the floor. Renner tried to push him back, mimicking his attacks, pushing a strong beam of wind against a similar one from Twister.

He failed in the long run though, as the wind started to take his breath. "Indeed, that was quite turbing, thank you" Twister mocked Robin, flying away. Everybody was groaning in pain by the time he left, Renner taking a few gasps of breath "I got to stop losing the ability to breathe on these things" Renner groaned, coughing a little as he held his neck gently.

When they left, they saw Wally getting thrown against the wall, M'gann going to catch him. "I got you, Wally" She assured as the dust cleared "Oh, thanks" He got back to a standing position and the team went to face Twister again.

"I would have thought you all had learned your limitations by now" Renner felt like that comment was pointed at him, but he tried not to react "What do you want?!" Aqualad shouted at the enemy "Isn't it obvious! I'm waiting for a real hero!"

"Read his mind, find a weakness" Aqualad told M'gann "I thought I wasn't supposed to do that!" She retaliated "Its okay with the bad guys!" Robin exclaimed. As she went to do it, she was surprised, saying she was getting nothing from the villain. "Hello M'gann! Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise! He's inorganic, an android, and how many androids do you know that can generate tornadoes?" She explained.

"Red Tornado sent us here" Aqualad added, "After saying we'd be tested soon enough, this is his test, something to keep us busy" Robin said, annoyed with the android. "Speedy called it, we're a joke" Kid Flash spoke "This game, so over."

"We know who you are and what you want!" Robin yelled "So let's end this!" Aqualad continued. "Consider it ended" Twister made a large tornado in the sky, turning the sky black and clouded. Renner was starting to think this wasnt Red Tornado.

Renner stood back with M'gann, watching as the ground erupted, lightning hitting hard. Everybody yelled in pain as a shockwave knocked everyone out except for Superboy, who tried to fight the guy on his own. He only succeeded in getting struck by more lightning, falling to the ground.

Renner sat up to see Twister flying over them "Fine then, I won't deny you children have power, but playing hide and seek with you would not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed. If you confront me again, I will show no mercy" Renner rolled his eyes, letting himself fall against the ground. "That guy is so full of himself."

"What happened?" Wally asked M'gann "I placed the Bioship between us.." Superboy definitely did not like the answer, punching a rock and yelling at her. "Calm down, man! I know you're angry but that does not give you the right to yell at someone who saved your life!" Renner growled. He was feeling really fed up with this guy already.

"She tricked us into thinking it was Red Tornado" He tried to argue "She didn't do it on purpose" Aqualad retaliated "It was a rookie mistake, we shouldn't of listened" Robin added. "You are pretty inexperienced, hit the showers, we'll take it from here" Kid Flash said.

"Stay out of our way" Superboy walked off. "Now that is someone who's full of himself" Renner rolled his eyes, running along with Robin as they left to go after the android.

The sky got darker while the fractured team was searching for Twister, but they eventually found him at the docks, destroying boats and causing a panic. "Certainly this will get the required attention" Twister was referring to the League, to which he was wrong about.

Kid Flash went first, landing a good blow to his chest that sent back a few feet. Twister quickly retaliated, going to blow Wally away, when Superboy came overhead, sending back even farther away.

Renner, with Robin and Aqualad, went after Twister next, Aqualad landing a spot in the house next to where they were fighting. Kid Flash came up behind him to distract while Robin threw charges, Renner using his ability to make a circle around Twister. They blew up to no avail as Twister continued his rampage.

Superboy tried for a second chance but just got thrown away by another tornado. A boat quickly followed his path, the wood splintering and exploding on impact against him. The damage completely decimated the building.

Renner was taking his chance against him now, creating a thick whirlwind, pushing it against Twister, sending him back only a few inches before he made a tornado to send Renner flying behind a giant rock where Kid Flash and Robin were, him falling straight on top of Robin.

"If you wanted to be this close you just had to-" Robin's remark was cut off by M'gann's voice in their head "Listen to me, all of you!" She had startled Renner, who let out a small cry.

"I know! And I know I messed up, but now I'm very clear on what we need to do" She explained the plan, telling us she would shift to look like Red Tornado. She arrived, looking exactly like the red android "Hit the showers, boys, I was hoping you could handle this, but clearly you cannot."

"But we have a plan now!" Robin faked his disappointment.

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