𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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The trio entered the gymnasium quietly to find Superboy getting beat up by Amazo, the demonic looking android was hardly making an effort. As Amazo was about to deal a finishing blow, KF saved Superboy, getting out of the way. In his place, the floor splintered and exploded.

Robin threw a blade but Amazo simply mimicked Martian Manhunter, using his powers of intangibility. It exploded in the wall behind him and he changed his powers again, this time to Red Tornado. He made up a tornado and flew close to them, sending the group flying. After Mr. Twister, Renner's been pretty good at defence from tornadoes and found himself unscathed.

Him being the only one up, he quickly went to distract the android from killing KF, using his powers to push him. "Access: Black Canary" The android used a Canary Cry against Renner, making him almost double over in pain. He was about to do it again, which would probably be enough to deafen Renner, when KF tried to ram him.

Amazo used a Canary Cry to make the floor unstable, sending him flying. The continuous sound making Renner's ears bleed. Amazo then caught Superboy's punch and threw him across the room again, then, again, using the Martian's powers to evade Robin's attacks.

He caught KF trying to run at him and Renner felt helpless watching him start to get crushed. Suddenly, he dropped KF and an arrow went through his intangible body, letting Kid Flash take his leave.

Amazo took Superboy and threw him across the room again, ducking to miss Robin's attack. Renner felt a cold fear run through him when he saw Amazo turn to try and blast Robin using Superman's power. He used his power to push Amazo away, KF also going to get him out of harm's way. Amazo turned to Renner again.

As Amazo charged for Renner, Superboy went for Ivo. Amazo threw Renner back into the bleachers with a Canary Cry, leaving Renner hearing nothing with his ears ringing too loudly. Renner then heard something over the ringing, an explosion, and he struggled to sit up, his hearing starting to come back.

He saw Robin running over to him, and reached up to his ear, pulling away to see fresh blood. Renner saw Robin rushing towards him, calling his name "-Ner! Re-er!" He was only hearing half of his words. When Robin reached him, he grabbed his face gently and turned it to see his bleeding ears "Ar- e you o-ay?" He asked. "I can't hear well!" Renner yelled, not hearing himself.

Renner wouldn't admit it but a warm feeling bloomed in his chest when Robin took his face.

"Loo-s li-e you'll need a do-or" Renner didn't hear any of the hard sounds in the sentence and played match the word trying to understand the sentence. Robin frowned and leaned in a little closer to Renner's ear "A medi-" Robin repeated, using a synonym to doctor that was a little softer on the ears. Renner nodded, understanding finally.

For a moment, Renner's eyes flicked over Robin's lips, both of their faces flushed.

Renner couldn't stop thinking that if he leaned a little closer, he would be kissing him. But no, Robin wasn't gay... Or was he? Maybe, considering the fact that he was leaning closer to Renner. The pair couldn't even have that, as Aqualad and M'gann showed up, interrupting whatever was about to happen "Want to talk later?" Renner was convinced he was whispering but he was just speaking normally, albeit a little quieter.



"The Amazo Android is in pieces again, safely being analyzed at STAR labs. But, Ivo escaped, and since he originated the tech, he's arguably more dangerous than the android" Aqualad finished the debrief to the League. "Capturing the professor will be a League priority" Canary started "But we understand your mission encountered other complications?" Martian Manhunter added.

Renner touched his ears, still caked in blood and his fear of Black Canary still new and very strong. He was aware it was unreasonable, she was a good person, but knowing she could deafen him so easily and cause so much pain like what he just went through, he was a little scared. Regardless, everyone turned to Superboy rather than him.

"Complications come with the job, your ability to handle them impressed the League" Batman stepped forward to speak "The whole League?" Superboy asked hopefully, specifically referring to Superman.

"Given time, yes" Batman replied knowingly, "Kryptonians, as you know, have very hard heads" He explained further. "Of course, there's no shame in asking for help. That's why the League exists, because there are some problems even we can't handle individually" Batman finished his speech.

"Please, if we needed help, we'd never get the chance to ask. Look familiar?" Robin took out an arrow, "You were following us! Babysitting! You still don't trust us" He exclaimed further, Green Arrow walking forward and comparing his arrow to the new one. "And that's not your arrow, which means-" Wally cut Robin off "Speedy!" Wally smiled.

Renner had gotten a bad impression of who Speedy was but he was glad to have had him there, or else Wally would of been crushed by the android. Wally sped to grab the arrow and exclaimed 'Souvenir!'

"We can talk now?" Renner asked Robin quietly, whispering finely since he had his hearing back. Robin nodded, pulling him away to go find a bathroom to clean up his ears while they spoke, all the while Batman watched them leave with a knowing smile. He knew both boys considerably well, though he knew Dick better obviously, and he hoped the best for the two. Of course he hadn't realized that they weren't just yet in a relationship.

Renner now found himself in his own room's bathroom sitting on the edge of the bath, a very pretty, but masked, boy cleaning out dried blood from his ear, all the while talking about his now crippling fear of Black Canary.

"I mean, I know she wasn't the one that hurt me, it was Amazo, but it's her power. You know?" Renner explained, "I couldn't hear for thirty minutes! I was so scared, it felt like my world had ended, like I had died, right there!" He cried, turning to face Robin with teary eyes, though none had slipped onto his face just yet "I can't stop reliving it, the fear."

Robin, not completely sure what to do, did the only thing he could think to do, and that was to hug Renner. He didn't hug many people, and was hesitant to do so, but as soon as he wrapped his arms around his crush, it was like a dam broke for Renner and Robin knew that it was a good choice in comfort.

"T-thank you, Robin" Renner pulled back, wiping tears from his eyes and face. Robin picked up the wet cloth he was using to clean the blood and turned it over, using the other side to clean up Renner's face. Renner smiled sheepishly in return, thanking him again. At that, they felt the same way as they did in the gym, Robin's hand on Renner's neck now and a familiar warm feeling in Renner's chest, except with no one around to interrupt them this time.

This time, no one was stopping Renner from lifting his mask, revealing his face to Robin. He left his mask on the sink next to him and Robin leaned down, face inching closer to his. "Can I... ?" Renner asked softly, voice quiet.

Robin didn't answer, quickly closing the gap between the two and kissing Renner. Renner responded by putting his arm to rest on Robin's shoulders, Robin moving to sit next to him. The pair pulled back, not speaking for a few moments, just enjoying each other's presence in a different light.

"That was-" Renner cut Robin off, kissing him again. "You should've done that earlier... It's been a month since we met, on July fourth, remember? I had a crush on you like.. the second day we spent together" Renner said teasingly. "You mean you should have done it earlier, if you were so eager" Robin replied, leaning against Renner.

Renner took Robin's hand, holding it out of sheer I-can-do-it-now-so-why-not, and gathered the courage to tell him his name. "My name is.. Renner, if you wanted to know.." He mumbled, half whispering. "That's a cute name... I'm- ..I should tell you but I shouldn't... I can't" Renner felt instant sympathy, he knew full well it was hard even without the added pressure of being Batman's sidekick "You don't have to tell me, I understand. Take your time" Renner spoke, voice soft.

"Thank you for understanding"

High School Sweethearts : BO1 : Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now