𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Once the team arrived, they had already gotten into their motorcycle-centric suits and were mounting their motorcycles. "Once you get in, you'll want to get back to this as fast as you can" Robin remarked, referring to the school Renner was trying to get into. "Really? I'm looking forward to making friends that aren't twenty years older than me or a superhero" Renner rolled his eyes playfully.

Before Robin could make a remark on how sad that was, Batman signalled them to go and followed the truck. Renner took the lead, following the New York truck with Robin and Superboy following him. They were following the last truck specifically and when it cut off from the other two, the three followed it.

"If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster?" Robin asked Superboy and Renner, coming up next to them on his motorcycle. "See instead of things going wrong, they go right?" He explained, "Is this like the whole whelmed thing at CADMUS?" Renner questioned, obviously ticking off Superboy. "Uh, clearly you're not feeling the aster, what's wrong?" Robin asked.

"Canary. And what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength?" Superboy asked, missing the obvious. "Taking down stronger guys is the job, man" Renner answered, "Canary learned that the hard way, same with Batman and well, us" Robin motioned to Renner as he spoke. Superboy wasn't all too happy with that answer and sped away.

"Not feeling the.. -what were you saying?" "Aster?" "Yeah, not feeling the aster"

Soon, everything went disastrously, flying green-highlighted monkeys flew from the roadside, previously concealed. They attacked the truck, just about at the same time that Aqualad reported an attack.

"Kind of figured" Robin replied, giving them the prompt that they were also under attack. "I hate monkeys" Superboy commented as the truck started to swerve "Why-?" Renner was suddenly hit with realization, "Oh, right."

"Robot Monkeys! Totally Ivo's tweaked style!" Robin sounded delighted to be seeing the odd creatures, while Renner was not "Oh my gods! They're like spiders! I hate them already!" He complained quietly, mostly to himself. "You're scared of spiders?" Robin asked, "No! I'm scared of having them on me" Renner explained, almost adding that he's slapped himself about a hundred times on certain nights when he swore he could feel them crawling on him.

"Hey, switch your ride to battle mode" Robin instructed, "This has a battle mode?" Renner questioned, completely missing Superboy as he straight up jumped from his motorcycle. Renner pressed the centre button and watched as he lost a wheel, becoming fast enough to catch up with the truck. He pushed off of the bike and used with powers to bring him up, quickly dropping himself on the roof of the truck before he could lose it.

He watched as Superboy got carried off the truck by four monkeys, and saw himself get circled by them. He created a burst of wind to push them off the truck, but they flew back. With some motivation of hearing Robin struggle with the monkeys too, he created an ever flowing strong wind that kept them back long enough for some to get lost.

Feeling woozy at a certain point, he was glad to see Robin climb on top with him. Robin taking out his batons to whip all the robots away. A new wave were suddenly on board and Renner groaned, trying to push them back but feeling his core energy that fed his power flicker out for a moment, scaring him enough to yelp and stop.

He took out his daggers and was forced to try and fight with Robin. Superboy jumped on out of nowhere and handled the rest, the truck starting to swerve badly making Renner wobble and almost fall off, Robin catching him "We have to get out of here."

Robin took the driver and Renner, getting off the truck as fast as he could. Seconds after they jumped into the wheat fields next to them, the truck crashed and the monkeys got away with Amazo. Renner watched the figure of Superboy disappearing in their path.

"Good for him" Renner rolled his eyes, feeling suddenly very sick, turning to throw up on the side of the road "Shi-" - "Aqualad to Robin, we lost our cargo did you-?" Renner heard, the voice belonging to Aqualad, obviously. "It's gone, and so are my partners" Robin looked down to Renner, who nodded slightly, before throwing up again, probably from using his powers so much.

"You going to be okay, Anemoi?" Robin asked while the other team spoke "I'll just need a minute, I overexerted myself" Renner explained, coughing and wiping his mouth with a disgusted frown. "Well, that's a great plan, except for the part about us not knowing where the look!" Kid Flash exclaimed angrily.

"Maybe we do" Robin said, crouching down to one of the more intact monkeys "We'd have heard by now if the decoy trucks had been attacked, so, how did these monkeys know exactly which trucks to target? Ha! The parts have GPS. The monkeys can track the signal, which means I can track them with the one I captured."

He had hooked up the monkey to his wrist and was decoding the signal, it was done quickly enough "It looks like both sets of parts are converging on... Gotham City" He revealed, looking very concerned with the new information. Renner was equally concerned, he knew people there.

"That far south? M'gann and I won't get there anytime soon. I'm sending Kid on ahead to meet you guys, Aqualad out" He broke connection and Robin pressed a button that brought his bike back to him "I sorta trashed mine trying to get on the truck" Renner spoke hesitantly. "Get on mine, we're stuck together" Robin smirked.

Along the way to Gotham, Robin changed into his suit. Renner was also quick to change, he had a bag set up near Justine's house that held some of his less treasured clothes. He wore an old yellowed blouse and black pants. There was unfortunately not an extra mask, so he was left with the unnaturally large mask.

"So you changed too?" Kid Flash came up next to the pair. "Yeah, I feel naked in civvies! This guy has a bag around here!" Robin called, they had just gotten back on the road. "You still tracking the parts?" Renner was thankful KF didn't comment on the last part. "They were heading through Gotham, but they veered. Wait, dude, they're heading to my school" He exclaimed, suddenly going faster.

"What a way to get a VIP tour of my possibly new school, though, right?" Renner remarked with a smirk. "Yeah, you probably won't see much though, but I can tell you about what we see in the halls" Robin replied.

Upon arrival, they could hear crashes and see the damage as they went through the empty halls, still a month from day one of the new school year. "Not the trophy case" Robin muttered, staring at a shattered glass case, behind it, a crater in the wall. "That's Headmaster Hammer's office, it'll be the first thing you see when you get accepted" Robin pointed to a wall half made of glass.

"That's Mr. Langstrom's classroom, he does biology" He pointed to a different door once we rounded a corner "And that's Mr. Scarlet and Mr. Pio's rooms, they teach first and second year English."

"You guys have different teachers for that? They're the same class though?" Renner's comment went unheard and they came up on a different door. They were double doors, the source of the crashing behind them. "And this is Coach Humphrey's classroom, the gym."

High School Sweethearts : BO1 : Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now