Chapter 11

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"How long will you be looking at those phones?" Are you just gonna stare at those or will you select one so we can go?" Jiyong said, starting to be impatient.

"I can't select one. It's hard. They all look pretty, I can't decide." Dara answered, eyes twinkling while looking at the phones that were in front of her.

"Should I select one for you?"

"I think that's a good idea. You're the one who's going to pay for it anyway." Dara gave up.

Jiyong looked at the sales lady and pointed at a touch phone. "Please get us one of this." He asked.

"Is this a gift, Sir? Should we wrap it for you?" The sales lady asked.

"She's gonna use it so there's no need to wrap it."

"Okay... Here's the phone Ma'am. Try it so you can check on the features."

"Woow... So this is a cellphone." Dara received the phone from the lady and began to flip it on her hand, looking at its physical appearance with amazement.

"Don't just look at it. Try it." Jiyong instructed while turning it on for her.

"Uwoow... Super cool." She said with sparkle in her eyes. She pressed every icon she saw on the phone.

She clicked on one icon that caused her image to appear on the screen.

"This is amazing." Dara reacted, looking like a stone-age person who has just learned about fire.

"It's the camera. You take pictures using that." Jiyong explained. "You click this and an image will be saved."

"Uwah! Cool." Dara looked very excited. "Let's take a picture together."

"I don't want to." Jiyong refused.

"Come on... This is our first picture taken using my first cellphone."

Dara placed her cheek near Jiyong's and smiled cheerfully. Jiyong looked a little irritated. She checked on the picture after taking it and she looked satisfied.

"I like this phone. I look pretty here. Let's buy this." Dara said happily.

"We'll get this one." Jiyong told the sales lady and handed his credit card.

"Thank you Miss." Dara told the lady after Jiyong's card was handed back.

"Give me your phone." Jiyong said and Dara obliged. "I'll add my number on your speed dial just in case there will be an emergency. Press one and you'll be able to contact me right away."

Dara nodded. "Thank you Jiyong." She said sweetly.

"Do you want me to add games to your phone?" Jiyong asked, his face devoid of any emotion.

"I can play games with that phone? Waaahh!" Dara looked very amazed. She came close to Jiyong then whispered. " Your world's really full of amazing things... some looks weird while others are DAEBAK."

Jiyong shook his head. He gently pushed Dara's face away from him with his forefinger.

"Stop acting like you're from another planet. Yes you're not from here but don't let people notice it or else, people will laugh at you."

"Laugh all they want. You're not laughing at me and that's more than enough." Dara stuck her tongue out.

"Weirdo." Jiyong commented. "Here... Just browse your phone for you to learn how to use it. Instruction's in the box so just review it when we get home."

"Thank you sooooo much."

"What did you talk about with my Boss?"

"Nothing much. He just asked me how long will I be staying."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it."

"I don't think that's the only thing you talked about."

"Ah! There's another thing. Mr. Yang asked me if I would like to be a trainee... He probably has noticed my beauty." Dara joked.

"He just lacks people to train, that's all."

Dara pouted. "You're so mean. Don't you agree that I'm beautiful?"

"Uhm... Let's see." Jiyong held Dara's chin and turned it left and right. "Not so good but not bad either." Jiyong said, stopping himself from laughing.

Dara's eyes widened. "You smiled... You were about to laugh. Weee.. Jiyong smiled." Dara rejoiced.

"No I didn't." Jiyong denied.

"For as long as you'll be in that mood, I'll be okay if I hear you say I'm not pretty... Smile again. Come on." Dara teased, pressing Jiyong's cheek.

"Yah, stop it. Enough playing around. Let's go home."

"You're such a kill joy." Dara complained. She looked behind her and saw three familiar shadows. She wasn't able to see their faces since they have turned left to head to the cab area.

After getting a cab for Jiyong, Dara decided not to go with him.

"I need to do something important so you go home first, okay?" Dara told Jiyong after he got in the cab.

"Do you know the way home?"

Dara grinned. "Don't worry about me. I have my ways." Dara handed Jiyong's bag to him. "Take care."

Jiyong took his wallet from his back pocket then handed some bills to Dara. "You need this to get home... Don't do anything foolish, understand?" He reminded.

"Yes Sir." Dara answered. She turned her attention to the taxi driver. "Hey Mister, please take care of my friend here. Drive safely, please."

"I will." the driver smiled.

"Take care, okay. Do not talk to strangers. Call me if something happens. Remember, I'm at your speed dial 1. Try it." Jiyong instructed.

Dara dialed 1 and called Jiyong as per his instruction.

Jiyong's phone rang.

"Okay, that's good. Don't do crazy stuff, okay?" Jiyong repeated.

"Ne, ne, ne... You're just repeating yourself. Bye now." Dara waived and closed the door.

After seeing the taxi drove off, Dara walked back to where they came from. She felt presence following her and she wanted to catch them whoever they are.

Dara turned to one alley and stayed still. She waited for whoever it is who's following her to pass by the alley too.

After a few minutes, three very familiar faces appeared in front of Dara.

Shock were registered on their faces while Dara looked at them with hands placed on her waist.

"I kew it! Since Jiyong and I got out of his office, I felt like there were shadows following us. So it was the three of you. How did you get here?"

A girl with long hair scratched her head. She was wearing a body-hugging dress that's above the knee long. Another girl with short hair played with her fingers. She was wearing a leather jacket on top of a flowy dress. The last girl who's looking at Dara looked fierce wearing a jumpsuit with sunglasses on.

"Hi Dara." The fierce looking girl said.

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