Chapter 25

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Dara looked around to make sure nobody sees her. When she was sure nobody's around, she used her power to turn herself into thin air. When she reached Jiyong's room, she turned herself back to her normal form.

Jiyong saw her do it.

"Yah! I told you... not to use your powers, right? What if... somebody sees you?" Jiyong scolded her while his hand was gripping his abdomen.

"That's the only way for me to get here fast. Don't be too grumpy." She sat beside Jiyong who's lying in bed.

"Argg!!" Jiyong crumpled the sheet of his bed in pain.

Dara panicked. ""What's happening to you?" She caressed Jiyong's hair. "Let's go to the hospital, okay?"

Jiyong moved near Dara and pressed his head on the bed.

Dara massaged Jiyong's tummy. "How painful is it?"

"Super." Jiyong grimaced in pain. He held Dara's arm for support, his nails digging on her skin as beads of sweat started to show on his forehead.

"Let me get you a shirt and we'll go to the hospital. Stay there." Dara stood up and walked toward Jiyong's closet. She got him a plain white shirt and a face towel.

She went back to Jiyong's bed, wiped his sweat and assisted him in wearing his shirt.

"I've called a cab so it should be here any minute."

"It really hurts Dara. Aaahh!!!" Jiyong curled himself into fetus position and held Dara's hand tightly.

"Bear with it a little longer." Dara looked very worried.

She texted TOP and told him she'll bring Jiyong to the hospital.

When they got to the emergency room, Jiyong was immediately attended by nurses and a physician on duty.

Dara received a call from TOP while the doctor was checking Jiyong.

"What happened?" He asked over the phone.

"Jiyong called me and he sounded in pain so I rushed home to check on him. He was curled up in bed and was screaming in pain so I brought him here in the hospital."

"How's he?"

"He's still in pain but the doctor's attending his needs now."

"Please, inform us about his status once you have anything from the doctor."

"I will. As soon as the doctor tells me about what's happening to him, I'll call you."

"Noona," Dara heard Seungri spoke. "Take care of Jiyong hyung. Don't let anything happen to him. Tell him we're behaving well here in the recording studio so he need not worry about us."

"I'll tell him that." Dara answered.

"We'll wait for your update." TOP said.

"Okay, I'll call you."

As soon as the call ended, a nurse walked towards Dara to talk to her.

"Are you the patient's guardian?" The nurse asked.

Dara nodded.

"He's looking for you. The doctor's still checking on him."

"Okay, thank you." Dara said and went back to Jiyong's bedside.

"Patient's guardian?" Doctor asked.

"Yes." Dara answered and held Jiyong's cold, sweaty hands. "How's he?"

"We have given him a shot of Ranitidine for the pain to subside. We're still running some tests to check on what's causing the pain."

"Will the pain subside soon?"

"It should, with the help of the medicine we've given. We'll monitor the pain so we'll know if we would need to increase the dosage or change the medication completely. We'll keep him here in the emergency room for now but we might have him admitted once we have the result of the tests."

"Thanks doctor."

"We'll have the nurse check on him from time to time so if you need anything, just ask her."

"Okay, thanks."

When the doctor left, Dara sat beside Jiyong's bed. She was slowly stroking his hair with her fingers when his eyes opened.

"Dara?" Jiyong said in a weak voice.

"How are you feeling? Is this still painful?" She gently touched Jiyong's abdomen.

"Yes... but it's a little bearable now." Jiyong held Dara's hand on.

"It's probably because you've been drinking these past few days and you always skip your meals."

Jiyong twitched in pain.

"Does it hurt? Should I call the doctor?" Dara was about to stand when Jiyong pulled her back and held her hand tightly.

"Just stay here. This should go away... ugghh!!!... after a few minutes."

"Try closing your eyes and get some sleep. I'll not go anywhere." Dara kept her left hand on his abdomen and caressed his hair with her free hand.

Jiyong squeezed her hand and closed his eyes.


Dara felt a tap on her back. She didn't realize she fell asleep seated beside Jiyong's bed while her head was rested near his shoulder.

"I'm sorry to wake you up Ma'am. Doctor wants to talk to you."

"Ah, okay. I'll follow." Dara said.

She stood up but felt a strain on her hand that Jiyong's holding.

She caressed Jiyong's cheek and whispered on his ear. "I just need to talk to the doctor. I'll be back."

Jiyong released her hand, his eyes remained closed.

Dara went to where the Doctor was and talked to him.

"We would need to admit him so that we can monitor his condition. We just received the result of the tests and he's suffering from acute pancreatitis. We would need to rule out Cholelythiasis or what we call gallstones in layman's term so we need to do more tests."

Dara remained silent, wishing she could understand what the doctor was saying.

The doctor noticed how Dara was trying to understand what he was saying so he tried to explain it in an easier way. "Mr. Kwon's pancreas is inflamed so we need to make sure we cure it or else, it may be a danger to his life. We would need to know what's causing it to easily treat his condition."

"Is it caused by his previous liquor drinking?"

"That's one of the possibilities we're taking into consideration. We also need to do CT evaluation to check on possibility of stones in his gallbladder."

"How long should he stay here, Doctor?" Dara tiptoed to whisper on the Doctor's ear. "You see, he doesn't want to stay in the hospital for too long." She crinkled her nose which caused the doctor to laugh.

"I can't give you any specific answer to that dear. It may take a week or less than that."

"Aahh, okay."

"We're just looking for an available room. We'll let you know if we can already move him to a private room."

"Thanks for taking care of him, Doctor." Dara said politely.

"It's our job to make our patients healthy and well. And we'll make sure that's gonna happen to Mr. Kwon."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." The Doctor replied.

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