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liked by jackhughes, auriellavaux, and 2,892 othersesmemills  this is me going for a walk

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liked by jackhughes, auriellavaux, and 2,892 others
esmemills  this is me going for a walk

jackhughes  and you wouldn't shut up
- esmemills and you couldn't even walk straight

auriellavaux cuteee 🥰
- esmemills all youu 💗

user29 okay why did jack like her picture and comment, she isn't even that cute
- jackhughes we're friends and she is beautiful
- user52 i kinda think they're dating-

user88 i want her and jack together

jack had begged for esmeray to tell him about her childhood, and esmeray reluctantly said yes, but only on the walk. she didn't want these people in the cafe assuming things.

the two left the cafe, and started walking back towards esmeray's apartment.

"so, you gonna tell me now?" jack asked.

"if you keep asking, i wont." esmeray said. jack frowned which made esmeray smile.

"what do you want to know?" esmeray asked. jack's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"your childhood. anything from before i met you." jack said.

"well there's a lot," esmeray started, "im from south jersey, cape may."

"near the beach." jack said.

"right on the beach actually."

"sorry, go ahead." jack chuckled.

"i grew up a devils fan. i went to games when i could with my parents before...before i left for college." esmeray explained. jack listened, looking over at esmeray occasionally.

"growing up on the beach was cool, always got to go to the beach when we wanted to, but we never really had any vacations."

"what about your parents?" jack asked the dreaded question.

"my mom was a therapist, and my dad was a teacher," esmeray started, trying not to get upset, "my dad loved hockey, even taught me to skate, and my mom loved softball. she even made me play growing up."

"was? loved? why do you keep talking about them in the past tense?" jack asked. esmeray looked at him, not wanting to get upset, but it was hard.

"oh im sorry, i didn't mean too-"

"no, no. it's fine. it's just hard. my dad was killed while playing during a hockey game. some guy was really, really mad and sliced open my dads neck with his skate." esmeray explained.

"esmeray.." jack hugged her.

she had been longing of a hug that she didn't even know she needed. it felt good to get it off, and she really did trust him.

esmeray never have really trusted boys, but maybe jack was different?

jack pulled away and looked at esmeray who had tears in her eyes.

"no one should ever go through that." jack whispered.

"no one knows, not even my roommates." esmeray said. "please don't tell anyone about this. i cant have this getting out and everyone having pity for me."

"i promise." jack replied. he grabbed her hand and squeezed it, assuring her that he would always be there.

the two started to walk back to esmeray's apartment, still holding hands. neither one talked, but it was so comfortable that no one needed to talk.

"how's your shoulder?" esmeray asked after a while.

"it's good. doesn't hurt anymore, but i'm still out for a couple more games." jack frowned.

"you'll be back, i promise." esmeray said. her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she took it out to look at the notification.

new email from pat verbeek

esmeray put her phone away, not wanting to deal with an email at the moment.

"i'll see you tomorrow for the plane ride?" jack asked once they got to esmeray's apartment.

"huh?" esmeray asked confused.

"yeah, there's an away game in two days." jack reminded her.

"shit, i totally forgot about that. yeah, i'll see you tomorrow." esmeray smiled.

"see ya." jack made sure esmeray got inside safely before leaving the apartment.

esmeray went up the elevator, and unlocked the front door. auriella was sitting on the couch watching tv, and willow was no where to be seen.

"how was the date?" auriella asked.

"it wasn't a date, but it was good." esmeray said, placing her keys on the counter.

"how good? did he kiss you?" auriella asked, suddenly intrigued.

"it was pretty good, and we did not kiss." esmeray shut auriella down. "i've got to get packed, im leaving tomorrow for pittsburgh."

"why are you going there?" auriella asked.

"work." esmeray said before shutting her bedroom door.

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