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liked by esmemills, dougieham, and 99538 others jackhughes first ASG in the books. 🪄 🪄
esmemills my favorite on the all star team 💗
colecaufield my mvp
_alexturcotte 😍😍
user26 my baby is grown up🥲 - user96 your baby?
"what is that smell?" esmeray asked, coming into the kitchen.
it had been a week since their last covid test, both coming back negative, so jack and esmeray were both allowed back at the arena for work.
"im glad you can smell. i hate not being able to smell your good cooking." jack groaned. esmeray covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes, trying to not puke.
"it's really a bad smell?" jack asked.
"oh my god, im going to be sick." esmeray ran to the bathroom and held her head in the toilet, throwing up what she had eaten for breakfast.
jack ran after her and pulled back her hair, rubbing her back as well.
when esmeray was done, she raised her head and leaned back up against the bathtub wall.
"you okay?" jack asked her. esmeray closed her eyes and sighed, nodding her head.
"let's get you to bed. maybe you have a fever." jack helped esmeray up off the ground and carried her to his bed.
while they had been stuck at home, esmeray "moved" into jack's bedroom, so they now had the extra room back.
esmeray got into bed and pulled the covers over her.
"i'll make you some soup, maybe that'll make you feel better." jack said.
"no. i cant eat soup. the thought of soup makes me want to throw up again." esmeray groaned. jack furrowed his eyebrows, then widen his eyes, realizing what could be going on.
"es, do you think your pregnant?" jack asked.
"what? why would you think that? we haven't-oh my god we haven't used protection. but my pill, it's supposed to prevent this. oh my god what did you do to me?" esmeray whined. she was freaking out and jack was trying to calm her down.
"maybe you aren't pregnant, but when you said it smelled out there and you saying that soup would make you sick, i kind of think you're pregnant." jack told her.
"i'll go get some tests, you just stay here." jack ran out of the room, trying his best not to freak out.
they were only twenty, a little young to have a baby in jacks opinion. his career was just taking off and the thought of esmeray raising a kid by herself while he was gone made him sad.
the corner store provided lots of tests, so jack got one of each. he didn't know which ones to get, and they all seemed like a decent option.
jack paid for them and ran back to the apartment. ty was confused at first, but let him go.
"okay, i got like all the tests because i didn't know which ones were the best so here." jack said, dumping out all the tests onto the bed.
"oh my god you are such a boy." esmeray groaned. she took all the tests and went into the bathroom.
after a minute, esmeray opened the door and motioned for jack to come in.
six tests were lying on the bathroom counter. she had set a time for three minutes to remind herself to check the results.
"jack, what if we actually do have a kid?" esmeray asked.
"then we have a kid. im not just going to leave you because your pregnant es. we will figure this out together." jack told her.
esmeray's phone went off and she looked at the test results.
"you're pregnant."
yall, thank you so much for reading this book but this is where it ends.
maybe i'll do another book for their pregnancy or something. let me know what you want to see :)