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liked by lhughes_06, trevorzegras, and 8937 others esmemills 🍊
jackhughes why an orange? - esmemills bc
trevorzegras 🔥🔥
aurivaux pretty - esmemills ofcc
user64 is jack dating her? i genuinely want to know
the second and third days in vietnam were spent walking through the town and shopping. esmeray could spend all of her money and she wouldn't have cared. the things they were selling in vietnam were amazing.
she found a sweatshirt for jack that she would most definitely be stealing in future days.
"you know we still haven't met jack yet." willow said.
"well he is busy with hockey." esmeray reasoned.
"maybe when he has a break we can go out for dinner." esmeray smiled.
"yeah, that would be nice." auriella replied.
the three continued to shop some more until auriella looked at the time.
"do you guys wanna grab dinner at my parents place?" auriella asked.
"sure." willow said. the three dropped their bags off at the hotel then walked towards the restaurant that auriella's parents owned.
"chào ma, chào pa. hi ma, hi pa." auriella said as her parents approached her.
"ella, chúng tôi nhớ bạn rất nhiều! ella, we missed you so much!" auriella's mom exclaimed, pulling her daughter into a hug.
"tôi cũng nhớ bạn. i've missed you too." auriella smiled.
as the little family continued to have a conversation in vietnamese, willow and esmeray were left confused.
"chúng tôi đã đến để ăn. we've come to eat." auriella explained.
"à, ngồi đi. tôi sẽ làm món ăn ngon nhất của tôi! ah, sit. i will make my best food!" her dad said.
the three friends sat down at a table and esmeray pulled out her phone.
"no phones esme, remember." willow joked.
"i know, i just have to reply to jack." esmeray smiled.
jack having fun without me?
esmeray a lot of fun. i miss you though.
jack i miss you too. im counting the days till i pick you up.
esmeray you're too cute. i love you.
jack i love you too.
"look at how she smiles when she texts jack. she's so in love." auriella gushed. esmeray turned red and looked up at her friends.