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liked by jackhughes, aurivaux, and 8264 othersesmemills  vegas baby 🤪

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liked by jackhughes, aurivaux, and 8264 others
esmemills vegas baby 🤪

jackhughes i was forced to take this
    - esmemills no you were not
        - trevorzegras i can confirm he wasn't not forced against his will. he offered to take pictures
            - esmemills thank you zegras :)

aurivaux she's taking on the world ✈️

user65 why is she so pretty

user29 i love you

the first day in vegas consisted of jack practicing with brekken and trevor, and esmeray staying in the hotel room working on her school work.

when jack got back to the hotel room, he was all sweaty and his hair was wet.

"you are getting in the shower before you kiss me." esmeray told him, not looking up from her computer. jack frowned but listened to esmeray. he didn't want to make her mad.

after he showered, he sat down on the bed next to esmeray.

"can i get a kiss now?" he asked. esmeray looked up at him and shut her laptop.

"i guess." esmeray leaned up and kissed him, jack pulling her closer to him. soon she was sitting on top of him with her hands on either side of his face. jack pulled away, making esmeray frown.

"awe, don't be sad," he chuckled, "we're going to be late for our dinner reservations."

"you made reservations to where?" esmeray asked.

"vanderpump à paris." jack told her.

"by the eiffel tower?" esmeray questioned, her eyes lighting up. jack nodded his head and she smiled, giving him a big hug.

"this is the closest thing i will get to going to paris." esmeray told him. she ran to the bathroom and started getting ready, wanting to look nice and take lots of pictures.

"here, i got you this for tonight." jack handed her the black dress that he wanted her to wear.

"jack, this is.."

"a lot, i know. but it's a fancy restaurant and we're going with zegs so-"

"i love it, jack. i really do, but you didn't have to buy me a new one." esmeray said.

"im sorry. i saw it when we were coming back to the hotel and i thought it looked amazing and i knew it would look great on you so it got it." jack explained, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"thank you. i really appreciate it." esmeray kissed his cheek and shut the bathroom door, allowing herself privacy to change.

esmeray opened the door, revealing a suited up jack attempting to fix his tie.

"here." esmeray said, fixing it for him.

"thank you." jack smiled down at her.

"you're welcome. now, zip me up." she turned around and pushed her hair out of the way. jack zipped the dress and looked at esmeray through the mirror.

"i was right. this dress does look amazing on you." jack complimented himself.

"it does look good." esmeray confirmed.

"i love you." she said, looking back at jack.

"i love you too." he quickly kissed her on the lips before grabbing his wallet and phone.

"now, we better get going or zegs will start to think about why we're late." jack told her.

the two made their way down the hallway and down the elevator. they got into their uber and made the drive to the restaurant.

jack noticed the hostess that they were here, and made them follow her to a back table. jack moved esmeray's chair, allowing her to sit down.

"thank you." she smiled. jack sat down next to her and the two scanned the menu, waiting for trevor to arrive.

"sorry im late." trevor apologized, sitting down across from esmeray.

"you're always late and yet you still apologize." jack chuckled.

"my mom raised me right." trevor reasoned. "nice to see you again esmeray."

"it's nice to see you too." esmeray smiled.

the three ordered their dinners and talked some more, mostly talking about hockey but sometimes asking esmeray what was going on in her life.

when the food came, the table became quiet and the two boys started eating quickly. esmeray shook her head and giggled at the two.

even in a fancy restaurant, they would still eat like maniacs.

"you eat too slow." trevor said to esmeray, jack agreeing with him.

"well im sorry that i don't want to choke and die." esmeray scoffed.

jack paid for the bill, esmeray and trevor thanking him, and the two made their way out to the eiffel tower.

"it's so pretty." esmeray admired it. jack wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close.

"almost as pretty as you." jack flirted.

"shush." esmeray smiled. she pulled her phone out and took a picture of it.

"here. i'll take a picture of you." trevor said, taking the phone out of her hand. he took multiple pictures of the couple in front of the tower. some where they were both smiling, caught off guard pictures, and a kissing picture.

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