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liked by willzitez, jackhughes, and 3,892 others esmemills funny photoshoot days📸
jackhughes so that's what you did the hour we we were gone? - esmemills not the whole time
aurivaux pretty girl🥰
user17 i really think jack and her are dating
user90 😍😍
while the boys had practice, esmeray stayed at home. it was her day off, and she wanted to spend the day in her pajamas and watch random movies.
though that's not what happened, she put her phone on her dresser and set the timer to take multiple pictures.
after ten minutes, esmeray figured she had enough pictures. she got off her bed and grabbed her phone, scrolling through the pictures.
esmeray found a few she liked and sent them to her polaroid printer. they printed out and she placed them on the floor.
she took a picture and posted it on her instagram. jack for sure would ask her what she was doing while he was away, and esmeray would tell him the truth.
she also knew that he would be mad that he didn't get to see her in her little outfit.
esmeray changed back into her pajamas and curled up on the couch with a blanket and a mug of tea.
about an hour later, ty and jack returned to the apartment. esmeray looked over at the two boys and smiled.
"hello." she said. ty looked at jack funny, but jack's face remained neutral. he knew esmeray better than ty did, so he figured something like this would be happening.
"hi." ty said cautiously. he slowly walked away down the hall and into his bedroom.
"what are you doing?" jack asked as he sat down next to esmeray on the couch.
"watching a movie." esmeray said. she took another sip of her tea looked over at jack.
"without me?" he frowned. esmeray smiled and put her mug down on the coffee table.
"come on." she said. she laid down on the couch, her arms wide open so jack could lay on top of her.
jack carefully laid down, not wanting to hurt esmeray or his shoulder.