Thirty-One:Nobody Asked Me

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Mean lady popped me da whole time we ride. Her say I never see papa if she had anything to do whiff it. Her say I call her mama. I not call her nothing. I ignored her the whole time her was talking stuff about papa and mama.

We pulled up to this big place. It wasn't far from mama and papa- but mama say never play in the street-so I stuck.

"Izzy, get your little ass out the car." Her yelled, and I turned my head.

Her not call me Izzy. Her not even cool like that. Her had to call me Isabelle. Her huffed and came around to my door, and pulled it open.

"Izzy if you do not get your ass outta this car...we will have problems." she sneered, trying to yank my arm.

I moved to the other side of the car- but her grabbed my foot and pulled me back. My foot got stuck and her didn't even try to keep me from falling. I hit my lip and it started bleeding. Her laughed like it was funny. I hate her. Her not love me. Her not even care for me. The man in the car left us.

"Izzy bring your ass on little girl" her yelled, while rolling her eyes.

I didn't want her to pop me so I walked slowly to where her was standing. I watched as her opened the door, and him came into view.

"Hi, I your brodder King" he said, while waving at me.

Him looked nice- and I not have no brodder, mama and papa not tell me about him.

"You want to play?" he asked, while rocking back and forth.

I looked up at her, and her just nodded. Him took off running while I walked. We got to this big room with a bunch uh toys, and one side of the wall had a K. The other wall had an I. I guess her was tryna press me.

"Why you look sad?" him asked, while playing whiff him cars.

"Her mean, and I want my mama- and papa." I answered, wiping my face.

"You not cry. It's otay. Her mean to me too. My daddy leave her for my sitter" he giggled, while hugging me.

I hugged him back. Him made me feel a little better. I still wanted mama and papa though.

"My daddy say I have to protect you from mean people, and I protect you from her. We can play so you no cry, and maybe you can call your mama when my daddy come." he replied, giving me another hug.

"You not want to live with us?" he asked, smiling again.

I shook my head no, and looked down.

"Your mama and papa not ask you?" he questioned, looking confused.

"No, nobody asked me." I whispered, shaking my head.

An hour later


I in no way, shape, or form agreed with the bullshit Ang pulled. Our marriage lost its spark a long time ago. I have been trying to make it work because of my son. However, I couldn't do it any longer. Ang was money hungry, conniving and an all-around bitch.

"King, where you at little man?" I yelled, while walking down the hall.

He and another head peeked out the playroom. I immediately got pissed the fuck off. I turned on my heels.

"I'll be back lil man. You and your sister stay here for me" I yelled, continuing in the opposite direction of our bedroom.

"Angela you fucking lied!" I yelled, while slamming the bedroom door.

She waltzed out with her pink robe on, and looked at me for a moment.

"Nigga I didn't lie. I just omitted the truth, and might have stretched a few things in order to get what I wanted."

I shook my head back and forth. This really wasn't the same woman I met two years ago. This was a person I didn't know. Unless she has always been this way, and I was too blinded by the pussy to tell.

"Nah you probably destroyed that man's fuckin peace of mind. First, you up and leave him with a one month old. Second, you take his child from him. A fucking child that you barely want." I screamed, while she just laughed.

This bitch was really delusional, or her tracks were too tight one. I looked at her for a long moment.

"What the fuck did you do to get custody of her Angela? The last time you told me about that court date you said you were going to let him be. What changed?" I inquired, staring a hole into her face.

"What changed is that he giving that bitch my title. I should be where she is. Seeing them together makes me fucking sick...therefore, if I can't have her then I'll make his life miserable. If that means taking that little snotty nosed brat then so be it-but somebody will feel the pain I've felt being stuck with two fucking kids I never wanted in the first place" she shrieked, picking up the vase and throwing it at my head.

I ducked and it shattered against the wall. I don't know who the fuck I married.

"So you mean, you never fucking wanted King? Why the fuck did you get pregnant? I yelled, by now I was fuming.

She had this annoyed look on her face like she was over this situation.

"I had him because I knew you were fucking around on me-so I figured having King would make you stop-but now you're fucking the sitter. I know all about that bullshit nigga." She snarled, rolling her eyes at me.

This bitch was basic. Having a child will never fix a situation. If anything the dude will just take care of his kid and keep it pushing. I shook my head at her stupidity. I had to leave- but I be damned if I leave two helpless kids with her deranged ass. I had something for her conniving ass too. It would make everybody in this fucked up situation happy. Starting with Isabelle.

I grabbed my coat, hat, and grabbed my extra overnight bag that I kept just in case and headed towards the toy room.

"Nigga where the fuck you think you going?" she yelled, hot on my heels.

"I'm leaving before I fucking Chris Brown yo ass." I replied, never stopping to look back.

She pushed me in my back- and right when I turned around Isabelle and King came running out the room.

"King grab your shoes and coat, and grab your sister one of your coats too little man" I replied, trying hard to calm myself.

He took off running while Isabelle just stood there looking scared out of her mind. I saw her bottom lip quiver, and I picked her up.

"It's okay mama. I'm taking you and your brother. We can get some ice-cream, and you can meet his nana. Maybe even call your father. Would you like that?" I asked, while rubbing her back.

She nodded her head up and down smiling.

"Bitch you not taking my kids" she yelled, mushing my head.

Is she really trying to fight me while I'm holding her daughter? Yeah, I had to go, and I needed to go fast before I was in some hot shit with her stupid ass.

"Watch how I walk the fuck up out here, and hit me again- on everything I'll send my sisters to lay your fucking ass out. Try me!" I spat, walking out the door.

I grabbed King's hand and made my way to my truck. I couldn't leave those kids under those conditions. Isabelle may not be mine- but I'm a father, and I wouldn't want anyone doing anything to my child- so I'll do right by Isabelle until I can get the shit I need to stop Ang dead in her tracks.

I pulled out of the driveway, and then stopped.

I might as well take the dog too....
Hey guys! I had to put this out. It's just a filler- but I'm hoping it isn't crazy spaced out. Wattpad new update is 💩. I tried to post the picture then save like I used to. Ehh it doesn't work like that anymore.😠 Anyway, I hope you enjoy babies! Side note: it's hard writing in a child's point of view! Excuse all mistakes.☺️ -C.Pacino


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