Thirteen:Sugar Pills and E.P.T's

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"Jen this is the third time we have tried to eat today. This is the third time I've had to assist you in the bathroom. If I didn't know any better I would think you were pregnant." I spoke, while staring at my tired looking best friend.

She held up her birth control packet shaking her head back and forth.

"We don't use protection, but I never miss a day love." she replied, with a smile.

I squinted at the bottle a little more. I know my eyes had to be playing tricks on me.

"Let me hold the bottle for a minute" I asked, while holding my hand out.

I read the ingredients on the bottle. I think my friend is pregnant, and she was under the assumption that she was taking birth control pills.

"Jen how long have you been taking these?" I inquired, while realizing that the original bottle was no different than her actual bottle, so she probably never thought to read the ingredients.

"I think about a month now. Chris had to pick up my prescription last month, and that bastard" she hissed.

I guess it just dawned on her that Chris might have contaminated her pills.

"Ooo Chris, I'm so pissed right now. No wonder he's been on this baby kick lately. If we have kids I want a little girl that looks just like you. If we had a boy I'm going to teach him all the stuff my dad taught us. What kind of baby shower would you like? I want to be married...blah blah. Ole fuck nigga." She hissed, while pulling her phone out.

I shook my head at her.

"Don't do this here Jen. Wait until you get home to call him on his bullshit, and we have to get you a pregnancy test too." I replied, while trying to get her to think rationally.

She just nodded her head in understanding.

"I'm ready to go home now. I have been trying to be a trooper, but all this throwing up has me spent.

1 hour later


"Babe you need some help?" I asked, while holding the door open for Jen.

"Nope. I got everything." she replied, while rolling her eyes at me.

I hadn't done anything lately, so I don't know what was up her ass. I thought, but was quickly out of my thoughts when I felt something hit my chest.

I looked down and saw the white stick on the floor.

I quickly glanced at it, and the words pregnant popped out at me.

"Babe you pregnant?" I inquired, while feeling a little happy; but guilty at the same time.

"Yes, but I didn't have a choice in the matter." She sneered, while walking away.

"Why wouldn't you have a choice? It takes two to make a baby Blue." I hissed, even though I knew what was coming next.

"Really Christon? I could have sworn that we never had a conversation about a mothafucka changing my birth control to sugar pills. Shady ass jolly the green giant blue eyed heifer." she yelled.

"I just been wanting a mini me. I thought you would be happy once you found out." I replied.

"Chris I don't know how to feel. I feel like I was tricked more, or less" she replied, while wiping at her eyes.

I never liked to see my baby cry. My brothers, and my mom told me to think this plan through. I guess I was just being selfish. I moved closer, and pulled her into a hug. Her short ass barely reached my chest.

"I'm sorry Blue. I was being selfish, and I didn't consider your feelings in this situation. You forgive me?" I asked, while kissing her forehead.

"I accept your apology, but you are on punishment sir." she replied, while poking my chest.

I screwed my face up and rolled my eyes at her.

"Jen that junk ya mom be talking on the phone isn't going to fly in my house. I will try to respect her because she's your mom, but we – I pointed from myself to her, live together and I don't want the drama." I replied


"Babe I'll talk to my mama about her dislike for you." I replied, while rubbing his face.

I watched as he sat on the couch.

"C'mere baby" he remarked, while patting his lap.

I made the short walk and sat in his lap.

"It doesn't bother me so much as to why she doesn't like me. What bothers me is how she feels the need to always disrespect me." he mumbled, while tightening his jaw.

"Babe she doesn't like you because of your occupation. It bothers her that you aren't a doctor, or lawyer." I replied, while hiding my face in his chest.

"Does it bother you? Am I putting you in danger? Besides, she is only going off of what she has heard. I own 5 upscale restaurant, 3 barbershops, and 2 tattoo shops. Nobody knows that we run a cartel. On top of that we pay the whole damn precinct. We all have college degrees as well." He replied, while rubbing my stomach.

I sighed knowing that this week alone was going to stress me out.

"No, your job does not bother me. You go out of your way to keep your business and our personal life separate. I appreciate you for that. I never asked you to explain yourself. I know what you have. My mom is just bougie as hell. I think she forgets how my daddy got to where he is today." I remarked, while getting comfortable in his lap.

"You sleepy baby?" he remarked, while rocking a little bit.

"Yeah, just a little bit." I replied, while feeling my eyes close from his rocking.

"Awe, the little one making you tired already?" he cooed.

I nodded my head wishing he would shut up.

"Baby" Chris spoke, after a few minutes of silence.

"Chris I don't mean any harm, but baby please shut up. I just want to go to sleep." I muttered, while slapping his side.

"Moody ass." he mumbled, while shifting to get more comfortable.

"You might as well get used to it." I replied.

I closed my eyes and felt his lips press against my forehead. I listened to him hum something before falling asleep.

**Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I feel like poo! I am starting to feel a little better though. I apologize for this chapter being so short! I hope you guys enjoy though!- CocainePacino

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