Forty: Fuck Boy

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"You a real nasty hoe." I spoke, slapping Ang face a little.
Yeah, them bitches really thought they were going to Mercy. Those bullet wounds weren't even fatal. Them shits just grazed they ass.
As she came to she spit right in my face. I tried to break her fucking jaw.
"You just so muthafuckin disrespectful" I chuckled.
"Where the fuck you got me" she mumbled, eyes wide.
I shook my head. My family is something you don't fuck with.
"What you really come back for Ang?" I questioned, looking in her eyes.
"You lying, baby girl the truth will set you free. Not literally, but mentally." I shrugged.
She bit down on her lip, and looked upwards.
"I never even loved Scar. I only started fucking with him because Tiff used to brag about how she had him wrapped around her finger. Things just got out of control. I never fucking wanted kids. Scar looked so happy when he found out I was pregnant. I was only excited because I found out that if you married into the family....the widow was left with everything. Scar was content with being girlfriend, and boyfriend. I tried everything- but he said he wasn't feeling all that yet. Shit used to make me so fucking mad. Then when It comes-shit got worst. She came out looking just like him. I couldn't stand looking at her. I got a doctor to write up a fake note for postpartum depression. I decided I had to have a life- so I set off in search of finding me, and left her with him. I came back for Belle to keep up with my lifestyle. I've bled Michael dry. I need to be kept. I'm not working no 9-5." she replied, rolling her eyes.
I shook my head. I never fucking knew my mama. She did the same fucking thing to Raf ass. I never will understand why the fuck some women acted like that. Children don't ask to come into the world. Unfortunately you got dumb fucks that don't use protection.
I held my favorite baby up.
"Aye bitch, save me a spot next tah ya grimy ass in hell." I spoke, aiming straight for her heart.
"Wait, I fucked the judge to get custody of Isabelle. I might as well fully clear my conscious- and King isn't really Michael son. He belongs to Luis. I was pregnant when I left. Kamila knew- but she refused to leave him. And he told me he would take care of us, but he wasn't leaving his family.
I lowered my gun.
"How the fuck do you fuck someone's husband?" I questioned, to no one in particular.
"So Scar is taking care of his fucking brother?"
This bitch was all fucked up.
I heard Treasure in the corner mumbling. I just ended shit for her. it wasn't any use in prolonging shit. I held my gun up, and was about to shoot until I heard a gun go off behind me, and Ang head dropped.
I turned around and the face shocked the shit out of me. How and when did she even get here.
"Mama Santiago, how long you been here?" I questioned, with my brow arched.
"Long enough. I always wanted to end her life, but Luis was worried about his son. I vowed that when she showed up...which I knew she was-I would take her life."
"You fucked my husband, had a baby by him, and you broke my sons heart. That's grounds to murk a bitch, or bitches in their case." She smirked.
"Yo Mama K, you a savage" I chuckled.
"I might smile, and look pretty. Never let looks make you underestimate your opponent. I might look delicate - but I'm deadly as fuck. For instance, look at yourself. Pretty as hell. Runway features- but you take lives for a living.
I had to chuckle at that analogy. She had a point though.
She pulled her cell out of her pocket.
"T I need you to make that trip"
I shook my head and laughed at how this was all panning out. Since the middle bitches were out the way. It was only one thing left to do.
"Did you get to the judge?"
"Yeah, I scared his ass enough about taking his family out. He will happily grant Scar custody again.
"That's what I like to hear baby girl" she chuckled, closing the door to the warehouse.
We parted ways and I made my way to my car. As I was driving my phone rang.
"Is that how you answer the phone now?"
"What up pops?" I chuckled, because it still felt weird calling him pops.
"You took care of that?"
"Yup. yup, I'm about to grab me something to eat."
"Ooh, ya mind bringing your old man something."
I looked around- realizing I wasn't too far away from him.
"What do you want?"
"Wherever you decide to go I'll get something from there."
I stopped at the red light racking my brain for what I actually wanted to eat.
"I was feigning Chipotle, but I didn't know if old man liked that.
"I'm swinging by Chipotle. Do you like that?"
"Yeah, me and a lil honey went by there last week." He chuckled.
"Ew, don't make me regurgitate."
"Uh no! That's nasty." I laughed, turning into Chipotle.
"What you want?"
"Just get me a steak burrito. I want it fully loaded."
I nodded as if he could see me.
"I got you old man. But I'll see you in ten" I replied.
"Okay China" he hung up, knowing I was going to fuss.
As I made my way inside this guy caught my eye. He was fine- but I was hungrier.
As I was finishing up he walked over.
"I just had to come and say hello to an angel" he spoke, licking over his lips.
Strike One: Whack pick up lines
I sized him up for a moment. He was cute- but I could tell he was a fuck boy.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out so late? Yo nigga must not know what he got." He smiled, showing off his grills.
Strike Two: grills are not meant for everyone
I rolled my eyes. I didn't have the time, or patience to entertain this stupidity.
"look, uh-
"Khalil ma. They call me Always getting it Khalil" he laughed, wiping his eyes.
Strike Three: his sense of humor took a vacation
"Khalil, let me save you the trouble. No, you cannot have my number. No, I don't have a Kik- If you have my number there's no use for it. No, I don't care about your money, what a real nigga can do, or how you about to blow up on the rap scene. I know what I bring to the table. I need a Man that can bring more than a hard dick, a few twenties, a grill, bucket hat, and a banging ass mix tape- that only the niggas in the hood have heard. With that being said, have a blessed night.
I saw defeat then anger flash in his eyes.
"Bitch, you not even all that cute anyway"
I chuckled
"Cue the damn violins. A fuck boys favorite cry. Nigga, obviously I was of some importance you approached me. Not the other way around. You mad because I shut your whack ass game down? Now, you can either remove yourself- or I'll move you. And if I move you they'll be placing you in a body bag." I hissed, and he stepped to the side
I never understood why niggas couldn't take their rejection quietly. There's no need for the extras. Do us all a favor and find you silence.
I paid for my stuff, and made my way to my car.
lord please .... keep these fuck boys away from me . amen .

Okay, I apologize about the time.😕 I was in and out of sleep trying to type this up for you guys. I hope you guy enjoy this. I'm starting on the next chapter. And TDA will be updated tomorrow, along with Winter's Love. I just released the prologue to Blind Illusion. let me know if I should keep going etc. I apologize for any errors. Thank ya babies! Can you guys check out my little sisters story. Its called Born Sinner. I helped write it. TashDaDon 💜

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