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Marinda Carter

All the way to the hospital the only thing that kept replaying in my head was Jenn telling me she loved me, and then watching her eyes roll to the back of her head. I felt the tears welling up, but I refused to let them fall.

I was only suppose to crush up one of the pills that Keem gave me, but I crushed up three just for good measurements. That might have been a little over board now that I think about it. My mind drifted back to what happened prior for a few moments.

"I think you need to drink a little something sweetheart" I pressured after the fifth time of asking.

Jenn shook her head again indicating she wasn't going to budge.

"Mom I just want to sleep that is all I am asking for at the moment." She stated, while looking worn out.

I kind of felt horrible for the last month, but I mean she had something that was rightfully mine. I knew Jenn could never resist my guilt trips. I threw on my best puppy dog face, and conjured up a few tears.

"Jennifer, baby girl- I only want the best for you, and Emma Rose. I don't want you getting dehydrated, or anything to happen to the baby. I am just trying to be a mother. I am trying here. I stated, while allowing a tear to fall down my face.

I looked at her, and watched as her face softened a little.

"Okay mom. I will drink the water as long as you allow me to sleep afterwards." She mumbled, the annoyance evident in her voice.

I nodded, and rushed out to get the water that I mixed up previously. It was hard as hell with her boyfriend paying attention to my every move.

I watched as she gulped down the water, and moved around a little to get comfortable. As soon as she closed her eyes her face started to contort.

I wasn't expecting the pill to work this fast. I atleast thought I had some time. I watched as she tried to speak, but all she did was moan for a moment. The cup that she was holding hit the nightstand with a loud thud. To make matters worse I knocked the picture frame off the wall causing it to crash.

She looked up, and the tears started to fall. I heard a faint "Mom I love you", and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I could have called for help, or even dialed 911. However, I had to make sure the job was actually done. Once I saw the cream colored comforter tinged with red I knew either the baby was gone, or I had taken two innocent lives.

My thoughts were interrupted by my husband.

"Miranda get your ass out of the car." He spat, while mugging the hell out of me.

The old adage if looks could kill fit this moment perfectly. If they could kill I would have a ringside seat in hell...courtesy of Carter.

"You didn't have to slap me earlier Carter." I whispered, while making my way out of the car.

"I probably shouldn't have, but there is no doubt in my mind that you aren't the reason Jennifer is in the hospital right now." he spat, but his eyes held no type of emotion to them.

I shook my head. Althogh, I had everything to do with our child probably fighting for her life right now I refused to let him know.

"Bullshit Carter! I brought her into this world- why in the hell would I want to take her, and my granddaughter out?" I questioned, while narrowing my eyes at him.

"That's a good fucking question that I will find out the answer to...you selfish conniving bitch." he spat, before walking off.

I shook my head. For the first time in a long time I was scared that my lies were going to catch up to me. This shit was spinning out of control. I wasn't just a pawn to my own jealousy, but I had just fucked myself royally without a condom.

I prayed that once the test were ran on Jennifer that nothing lead back to me in the end. If it did... I might as well make arrangements for my burial.

This probably isn't very long, but I realized everything I wanted to add isnt going to fit into just two parts. I'm working on part three now. The goal is to have it up before Monday, or by Monday afternoon. I just want to say thank you, to you guys for working with my crazy school schedule, and my bouts of writers block! You guys are the real MVP!:) -CocaineP

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