Chapter 19

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All I can hear is beep after beep, seeing Jess a pile at the bottom of the staircase - crying in pain.

I remember lifting her head and my hands being covered in blood.

Then the ambulance came and took her clean away, leaving the rest of us to suffer with shock.

Ailish on one side of me and Katie the other, Daisy's at the gift shop - we've been here 4 hours waiting for Jess to come out of surgery. It didn't sound good.

We all just sit here, in total silence - silent from the shock of seeing a pregnant Jess, just about to see her parents. How do we tell them? Or does Jess do it?

"We got here as soon as we could." Georgina said as her and Annabelle speed walked round the corner of the hospital ward. Katie stood up and whispered to Georgina. "She's in there. Surgery." Then Georgina's face dropped, she turns to tell Annabelle.

"We've been here for four hours." I explain.

"And she's still in there?" Annabelle finally said.

"Yeah, but I guess it's a good thing." Daisy said emerging from behind us, she hands me a coffee I asked her to get me.

I was thinking that moment over in my head again, and I didn't even realise my mouth was burning from the scorching mouthful of coffee I had.

I clear my bags from the two saved seats accross from us and Georgina and Annabelle sit down.

"What about Jess' parents?" I leaned over to Ailish, interrupting her from staring blankly at the upside down, closed OK magazine.

"Shit. I completely forgot."

"I have Jess' phone." I reach into my bag and pull it out. "No battery." I sigh.

"Come on, lets go call them over there." Ailish says, pointing at a pay phone and putting down her magazine. Just as I stand up the doctor comes out of the room he's spent the last four hours in - hopefully fixing Jess back to normal.

"She's resting." He says. "She'll be really tired so don't over crowd her." We all ignore him and hurry into the room, as I pass him I have to double take - HOT. I smile and casually try to hide my second take. Not effective.

"Jess!" I call, hurrying up with the rest of them. Daisy's stood near her head, with Katie and Ailish down the sides and Georgina and Annabelle at the end. I dodge about trying to get a glimpse of Jess and Ailish grabs me by the back of the collar making me nearly fall onto Jess.

She can barely keep her eyes open, a big bandage around the back of her head.

I turn to see the doctor making notes in the corner and I walk over to him and try to have a peek at the sheet he's scribbling away on but he pulls it in towards him. "Patient confidentiality." He plainly says.

"So what can you tell me?" I ask, now wanting to know even more.

"Okay, in terms you'll understand." He sighes, totally insulting me. But he was probably right. "I've used a glue to seal the crack in her head and there's bruising but everything has been given the okay."

"But what about the twins?" I ask.

"Okay, I'm sorry but one, one..." He really struggled saying it.

"I know." I say, putting him out of his misery.

"There was nothing I could do, I could only save one."

"Save one?" I asked, releaved by the thought Jess was no longer childless.

"Yes, only one died, but due to her having twins I can't take one away."

"So she's going to be giving birth to a dead baby?" I ask.

"I said there was nothing I could do." He explains, looking really sympathetic.

"Okay." I smile, trying to raise the mood. If that was even possible and I retreat back to Jess who is now fast asleep.

"He could only save one." I explain to Ailish.

"Umm, wait - what?" She asks but I just move on and mention it to Katie. The news is suddenly passed around the bed and everyone knows. I look over to find Annabelle in tears so I go to comfort her, passing her a tissue from my pocket.

Jess begins to turn about and cringes from the pain and even though she's still asleep - she moans and clutches her stomach. So I nudge Annabelle and we decide to leave with everyone following us.

"Should I go to Jess' parents and bring them up here?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, she was heading over there." Daisy remembers.

"I'll come with you." Katie adds.

"So we'll stay here and be there for her when she wakes up, yeah?" Ailish asks.

"Yes." Daisy says.

"I'm going to the WHSmiths they have here, get Jess some flowers." I always thought that place was a book shop but now it's flowers and Thorntons and shit you don't need. But yes, about three books.

So I get into the car and Katie as a passenger, Katie calls Jess' parents and briefs the situation. And off we go.

"How do we tell them?" Katie asks, twiddling her thumbs.

"No idea." I say, the general answer when someone asks me a question. "I just keep picturing Jess, you know, as she was at the bottom of the stairs."

"Katie, its okay were all going through the exact same thing." Katie compforts me stroking my arm.

About 20 minutes later on in the journey Katie pulls out her iPod and sticks on some music, skipping songs when they're half way through. Finally she settled on an album by a band id never heard of before and fell asleep. I was thinking about Jess screaming and tumbling and that horrible guy. I was thinking so hard I missed my turn at the round about about an hour back. I only realise this when Katie gets a call and she wakes up with a snort.

"H...hello?" She asked, yawning and squinting her eyes from the sun.

"Hi!" Katie leans to me putting the phone on her kneck. "Jess' parents." She explains, she listens some more and then "she wants to know why its been almost 2 hours since we said we'd come round when it should only be an hours journey?"

"Fuck." I yelled. "I missed the turning."

"A year ago?" Katie sarcastically yells back. "Sorry were on our way back."

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