Chapter 12

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  "So...what's it say?" 

  "Three minutes left."

  "It could change you life with these results. So what is the result?"

  "Two minutes left."

  "Wow. This is crazy."

  "One minute left."

  "We're growing up!"

   "I'm pregnant."

  We all screamed, so excited! Jess is going to have a baby!

  "Okay...guys?" Jess said, sitting on the side of the bath tub putting her head on her hands, but everyone carried on screaming. "I don't want to have this baby, guys." 

  Then everyone stopped and we all starting questioning her and mumbling it was wrong and then we all joined in a 'what are you thinking?'. Jess sat back up and pressed her hands on her knees, leaning forwards and holding back tears.

  I knelt down next to her and put my hand on her knee.

 "It's okay Jess. We'll help you through it, we'll make sure that you'll be okay. Luke will be so happy."

  "Guys, guys? Why are you in the bathroom?" Called Luke, gently opening the door to the bathroom. Jess swiped the pregnancy test in the the toilet from the sink side and shut the lid. 

  "Oh, nothing." Jess said, looking guiltily around. 

  "Jess," Ailish looked at her but Jess just shook her head. "if you don't tell him, I will."

  Ailish would and we all knew it, so Jess caved.

  "Okay." She sighed. "Luke, I don't want you to freak out. We haven't been together that long really, we've just started going out again. But it's not as if we haven't dated before, right?"

  "Go on..." Luke said and we all took the look from Jess and we shuffled out of the room.

  "I'm pregnant Luke." She said. Then there was silence, Lizzy pushed the door open. Luke was stood there grinning, with Jess looking confused waving her hand to get him attention. 

  "Oh..." He slowly started. "My...God!" He screamed jumping up and down with excitement and hugging Jess like crazy. 

  "I don't think that's too good for the baby." Daisy pointed out. 

  "Oh, okay." Luke stepped back, knowing nothing about why it wouldn't be good. 

  "Do you know anything?" Jess jokingly said.

  "Oh no! I don't know anything!" Luke wailed. 

  "But don't get worked up. It's not like we're keeping it, right?" Jess said. 

  "What...we're...not...keeping it?" Luke stammered. 

  "Of course not! What are we, 22? That's way too young." Jess said. 

  "Good decision." Ailish added. 

  "What?" Katie glared.

  "That doesn't matter. What about those teenagers that get pregnant, they get through it." Luke said. 

  "But they didn't have a choice, I could have an abortion." 

  "You aren't going to have an abortion, Jess." Daisy said, pushing through the group of us. "You're going to have the baby. You're going to love it to pieces and have the best family ever. You'll send it off to nursery and before you know it you're crying when sending it off to Uni when they're all grown up. Whilst all this is going on you have Luke who gets a well paying job and coaches the football team and helps them with their homework building that volcanoe thing. It'll be the best thing that ever happened to you. Also it's an excuse to watch all the baby tv shows and read the cute little books with the finger puppets that they'll chew and rip the faces off but they'll still demand you to read it again. You'll cry at the fact you concidered an abortion and the fact you couldn't have your mini Jess or mini Luke. You'll put the plasters on the knees and bandage the head, you'll feed it baby food which you keep having sneeky mouthfuls of. You will be so happy and won't go a day without smiling, laughing and loving it. You're not going to have an abortion Jess." 

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