Chapter 3

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 "Why the hell is it so cold? Why today...of all days? Why Ailish?" Katie said, grasping her by her folded arms and staring confusingly into her eyes. Ailish just stood there, here teeth chattering. So I prized Katie off of her.

  "Right, all we have to do is wait here for five more minutes, we then get in the taxi and go to the concert and have the most amazing time of our lives. We then see if Mark has the backstage passes and then spend the rest of our lives with One Direction!!!!" I screamed, getting more excited by the word. I got the odd glare from passers by. So we all silently screamed, we were so excited.

  "We could ring Mark now, right?" Ailish asked.

  "No, well, yes. But no don't. Yeah we should. No don't, but do, actually-"

  "Shut up Katie." I said. 

  I was confused too. I didn't want to ring incase he says he didn't get them but I really want to find out that we are about to meet ONE DIRECTION!!!!

  WHY IS LIFE SO HARD?!?!?!?!?!

 "OK. I'll ring him." So I dialled his number and my hands shook as I waited for him to pick up.

  "Hi, Mark?"

  "Hey Katie."

  "Oh hi Mark, I'm just putting you on minute, right go!"

  "Okay so I'm guessing you've rung about the passes?"

  "Of course! We're so excited!"

  "Katie, you know you promised not to get too excited didn't you."

  "Did you seriously expect that I wouldn't be screaming from excitement over it?" Which now started to sound a little wrong.

  "Okay, well I tried my best-"

  "You didn't get them?"

  "Girls, I tried my best but they aren't letting anyone backstage this time round, they have too much of a tight schedule and have places to get to. And before you ask, I don't know where they're going, I couldn't get hold of that either."

  "Oh, okay Mark."

  "I did try, you know. I am really sorry, I'll make it up to you."

  "Thanks Mark, bye."



  *     *     *     

  "Wow that concert was amazing. Yet again!" I screamed.

  "Yeah it was, but it's sad we don't get to meet them." Ailish groaned. 

  Then I started to think about if we got behind stage. We would be lead back and then we'd see One Direction emerge as we went round the corner and then Louis would say something funny and we'd all laugh, including Niall (who's laugh is gorgeous) and then Harry will say something really posh and then Liam would say something smart and we'd all fall in LOVE. Ha, because that would happen. I wish. 

  So I was back to the real world.

  "You know, we could slip back. Be ninja's and then find them." Katie said.

  "Ailish pounce like a puma." Ailish said. 

  "Yeah, because that will happen, come on. The taxi's round the back."

  They both sighed in unison. So we walked out and round the back. It was so dark compared to when we went in before and we were squinting to look for the taxi sign which seemed a mile away from where we saw it before. 

  "5 minutes and it should be here," I sighed "I so want to be backstage right now."

  *beep* A text! Maybe it's Mark saying he's found out some good news, maybe a party we can see them at!!!!!!!

  'Hey everyone. Just want to say how sorry I am for not getting those backstage tickets. Still no more news on where to head if you want to meet them. So did you have a good time? Hope you did. Again sory for getting your hopes up. Mark x.'


  "I can't see anything, it's freezing cold and the taxi is 20 minute late and not picking up the phone or replying to my texts." Ailish groaned. 

  "I know!" Katie said "Who booked the taxi?" She asked, sliding down the wall sitting next to me. I then heard a door open but I couldn't see who it was, they were talking and laughing. I could only hear them mumble. 

  "You did, Katie." Then I could see the people who walked out were a bunch of guys, there were five or six of them and now they were walking towards us so me and Ailish stood up. Katie was having trouble with her bags as one walked over. 

  "Need a hand?" A deep, posh - but gorgeous voice - asked, he stuck out his hand to help her up. She took it and jumped up, leaving her bags. I turned round to check I had all of mine and at the same time Ailish shone her phone in their direction. But then I heard a floourished Katie voice, that made me turn around say:

"Oh my god it's Harry Styles." And with a thump she was flat out on the floor.

Katie had fainted.

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