Chapter 7

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  2 weeks later. 

 "It's me and Zayn. Zayn and me. I can't believe he finally asked me out, I thought it was never going to happen! But he did! We were by the park lake, on the grassy bit. He had brought a picnic and it was like a normal situation between friends and we were talking and as we were talking he was making a daisy chain, manly I know. But then he gave it to me and closed my hands around it, so I thanked him and shit and then he lead down on the blanket, so I did too. He lead on his side and started to tell me how he had known ever since we had met whether it's been 3 weeks or not. He always knew. So then he asked me if I would go to Bella Italia with him. I was like yeah sure and then he added, as my date...and then he pulled a rose out of the picnic basket." Ailish said with such excitement and you could see her replaying it in her eyes as she spelt it out to us. "So we went to Bell Italia and then he payed, I wore his coat as he walked me here and gave me a good bye kiss  -he insisted I went on line to talk to him too.

  "I'm so happy for you two!" I screamed. I was happy but a little bit of me insisted I was jealous too. 10% jealous and 90% happy for them.

  "Oh you're so lucky, and absolutely gorgeous I was surprised he didn't ask you sooner!" Okay 20% jealous and 80% happy for them. 

  So then we talked to Jess about this Luke situation where he's hardly spending any time her with her. But she doesn't know it's for planning for his proposal. Saddness. 

  "He keeps on saying, I really can't talk now but I do love you. Then he hangs up. This isn't normal and I am sure of it."

  "But we all know how much he does love you and would never do anything like this even if someone gave him a million pounds. Don't worry about it, it will get better. I promise." Daisy said. And by this time we had told Daisy that Luke wanted to propose. She almost had a moment of telling Jess because she was so excited - but we prized her away. 

  "But I don't think it will Daisy. I don't have to settle for this, I just need to move on because I shouldn't have to deal with it because he needs to be better than this. It's never been so long for him not being able to see or talk to me, something is going on and I know it. I don't think there is anything that will make up for it either." Jess said, she was so sad but she was determined. A sneaky tear rolled down her chin and dropped off of her chin. 

  "So are you going to end it?" Ailish asked, this just made it all feel so real. They can't break up...he wants to propose for crying out loud, I need to tell her that he is going to propose.

 "Yeah, I need him to come round tonight. Don't call him, this conversation didn't happen? Promise?" We all nodded knowing that he meant good, someone needs to tell her, or Luke no matter what Jess says he needs to know, right? But then she left. 

  "Some one needs to tell her." Ailish said, putting her head in her hands.

  "That's what I thought." I said.

  "Me too." Katie added.

  "But then he can't pleasantly surprise her, we need to tell Luke, not Jess. He needs to propose tonight before she can break up with him, so she can see what he's been doing." Daisy said, a brilliant plan. 

  "Okay then so I'll call him?" Katie asked. 

  "I'll come with you." Daisy said and they rushed out the front door for some privacy.

  So then it was just me and Ailish and Cyber Zayn. 

  "Katie, have a look at this conversation."

   It read:

  - Hey Zayn! Thanks for the brilliant day today, I had fun :). 

  - Good.

  - So are you okay? How's everyone?

  - Good.

  - Are you just saying good?

  - No. 

  - Okay so what are you doing?

  - Nm.

  - Oh, were just talking about Jess' sit. with Luke - she's gonna end it tonght *sigh*

 - Do I need a new haircut?

  - What? Where did that come from?

  - You don't think I do?

  - Is there something wrong. You've been a bit weird recently, like caged since we have been going out.

  - No. *shrugs shoulders* But I have to go now. Bye.

  ~Zayn appears to be offline. Messages you send will be delivered when they sign in.~

  "You see? He's been acting really strange. Do you think he finds it awkward now we are going out or something?" She asked.

  "Possibly. I've never known him to be like this, a little vain I know but this is not normal. I say 'known him' but it's been 3 weeks since we first ever saw them."

  "Wow, a lot has happened in three weeks."

  "I know."

  "So should I ring him?"

  "Oh no, no, no. Let him come to you. Besides we're seeing them tomorrow, again." We both grinned crazily. We still couldn't get over who they were. 


  "Luke. Hi." Jess said as she opened the door to him. I was expecting him on one knee or something, or with a rose, or at least in a suit. I thought maybe there could be a small band to play a cute melody or sing a personal song - I never knew what one was called? But nope. He was in his ripped old jeans and a polo with a button missing. Wonderful.

  "Look-" Jess started but she was stopped by a wet one on the lips. (wow that sounds wrong - anyway back to the point) He stopped and looked at us in an am-I-doing-okay kind of way and then knelt down on one knee looking up at her whilst searching for the ring in his pocket, but he couldn't get it out knelt down, so he did a weird dance thing that broke it free. 

  "Jessic- I mean, Jess. Jess Ashworth." He started.

  "What are you doing, Luke? No, no don't do that. Stand back up. Girls, can you please leave?" She asked and looked at us in a sad way where Luke couldn't see her. 

  We all leant against Daisy's bedroom door with some glasses she forgot to take back to the kitchen. 

  "Luke, what have you been doing all this time? You have hardly talked to me in weeks and when we do talk it's for about a second.! Are you seeing someone else? Is that what your doing? Because it sure as hell looks like it!" She shouted getting louder and louder.

  "Do you seriously think for a second! That I would fucking cheat on you? NOOOOOO. You know I love you more you love me and I know it too, everyone knows it. But I would never want anything more from you! You're perfect to me! Even those little tiny things that fricking bugs everyone else makes me love you even more! So what makes you think that I would cheat on you?!" He screamed.

 "You made it look so much like you were doing something you shouldn't! You could have reassured me by seeing me! Not decline calls and telling me your too bloody busy and then a the end of all this shit you propose?! Who in Hell's idea was this? So what have you been doing Luke, huh?" 

  "I was planning the best proposal I could actually do, you know! I was working so hard on it! Skipping work for it just so then we will remember this moment for the rest of our lives!"

  "Well I will fucking remember this one! Get out Luke, get out!"

  And then the door slammed shut. I heard a slump onto the sofa and she broke out in tears, we slowly left the room and went to comfort her.

  "But he...but he doesn't love me more than I love him...I couldn't anyone more. one could. one at all." She stuttered.

  "Shh..." Ailish said putting her arms around her and rocking her. "It'll be okay." 

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