Chapter 1: Running

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Willow's POV:

Lian Yu. Chinese for Purgatory. Do you know what Purgatory means? It means a place of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners that are trying to atone for their sins before going to the afterlife. Or it can just mean suffering in a different context.

It is quite a fitting name, if you ask me. But who am I exactly? I don't really know. I just call myself Willow.

I was born and raised on Lian Yu. The hellish island that nobody escapes. Nobody except me. I might've had to slaughter a few people to do it, but they were far from innocent. They were the people that trained me to kill in the first place. The people that experimented on me and turned me into this cold, ruthless assassin. To them, I was known as Project Omega-Alpha. The goal of this project? I haven't figured that out yet. I don't really have the time to.

I'm struggling just to survive at this point. I don't know much, but I do know this; I need to track down Slade Wilson. He needs to be put down. Permanently.

...Except it's not the easiest thing to do from a literal back alley in the Glades. You heard that right. The worst neighbourhood in all of Starling City. There's drug dealers crawling everywhere, along with alcoholics and not to mention the freaking GANGS.

I would've been fine with living the rest of my life on that island. I wouldn't have to deal with idiots, only loneliness. But someone needs to save this city, right? And if not me, then who?

I have only been in this world for ten years, but I hold more knowledge than most adults. That probably has something to do with the Mirakuru running through my veins. Usually people that take it go absolutely insane; Slade Wilson for example. But the dosage that I got was just a prototype of the original. It didn't effect me in the same way that it effects most other people. I did get a little bit stronger in the physical aspect, but I can't lift a train or anything. I don't even have quick healing. However, I am WAY smarter than I was before the serum. It worked exactly as the scientists had planned. But one thing went wrong.

Third-Person POV:

"Do you think it worked?" The scientist's assistant asked.

"Yes, Sara. It worked... look at these readings! It's incredible!" Dr. Ivo exclaimed.

Willow was tied down by leather straps in front of them. She was fully conscious, and whimpering.

Her heartbeat was slowing down significantly, as it showed on the heartbeat monitor. Then it suddenly just stopped.

"Ivo! She's lost too much blood!" Sara stated.

"Dammit! We don't have any time to do a transfusion."

"Remember that blood sample that we got from that cat?"

"Yes. Are you saying that we should give her the cat blood?"


"But we aren't done altering it!"

"We don't have much options. It might kill her, but she'll die anyways if we don't use it."

Ivo sighed, and picked up the syringe filled with cat blood. It was actually a different serum that they weren't done creating yet. It was supposed to give people cat-like senses.

He injected it into the girl's arm. The heartbeat miraculously started to come back, and it was going faster than ever before.

"Wow. It actually did work." Ivo said.

The girl came back to consciousness. Everything was so much louder than before. Her eyes shot open, and she was panting. She closed her eyes again. She could sense the two people in front of her, even without seeing them. She reopened her eyes. She could see farther, as well.

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